Key’s ‘efficiencies’ = DHBs’ pain
Dr David Clark
MP for Dunedin North
Acting Health Spokesperson
October 5 2016
Key’s ‘efficiencies’ = DHBs’ pain
John Key’s talk of ‘efficiencies’ ignores the fact the Government is chronically underfunding health to the tune of $1.7 billion, says Labour’s Acting Health spokesperson Dr David Clark.
“Saying that ‘District Health Boards need to make choices about how they spend their own budgets’ neatly ignores the fact that DHBs now have to cut everything from primary mental health care to reducing the amount of home help.
“His claim that New Zealanders want the $700 million cut from the DHBs’ budgets since 2011-12 is simply absurd. What New Zealanders want is a health system that works and delivers.
“The independent Infometric report on health funding has made it clear that there is a $1.7 billion hole in the Government’s overall health budget due to an aging population and inflation.
“The impact on DHBs bottom lines is now being felt. Thirteen DHBs posted a $55 million deficit last year. This year Canterbury alone is forecasting a $37 million dollar deficit.
“John Key needs a wakeup call if he thinks a deteriorating health system is a beacon of efficiency,” says Dr David Clark.