National enrolment service roll-out on target
Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman
Minister of Health
25 October 2016
National enrolment service roll-out on
Health Minister Jonathan Coleman says the roll-out of the new national enrolment service in general practices across the country is on target.
“To date 230 practices have gone live with the national enrolment service which provides faster, more accurate information on patient enrolment and identity,” says Dr Coleman.
“Feedback from practices using the service shows the system is easy to use and is making a positive difference in the day to day management of patients.
“Practices have been able to update address details and correct discrepancies in the National Health Index data. More accurate data helps to speed up identification when patients access other health services.
“Across the country up to 22,000 patients change practices each month, in addition to patients enrolling for the first time.
“The current manual enrolment process is time consuming and can lead to duplication. Data is submitted to the Ministry of Health each quarter which can mean newly enrolled patients are charged higher casual rates in the interim.
“From next year funding will be calculated monthly rather than quarterly, enabling newly enrolled patients to access subsidised care sooner.
“Digital solutions make the health system more efficient as well as delivering better health outcomes for New Zealanders. They are also an important enabler of new models of care and providing care closer to home.”
Roll out of the national
enrolment service began in July 2016. By March 2017 around
1,000 practices are expected to be live on the system. The
service is hosted within the Ministry’s secure Connected
Health Network.