Labour will deliver light rail to get Auckland moving
Labour will accelerate development of a light
rail system for the Auckland isthmus to tackle the city’s
worsening congestion problems, says Opposition Leader Andrew
“Right now, gridlock is choking Auckland’s ability to grow. Auckland is crying out for innovative infrastructure projects to get the city moving, but the Government is out of touch and ignoring the problem. Labour will deliver, starting with a modern light rail line.
“Drivers are now taking 10 minutes longer to get to work in the last three years alone, and it’s getting worse.
“Auckland Council wanted to build light rail from Mt Roskill to the CBD within ten years, but National has refused to commit funding.
“Labour will prioritise delivering a light rail line from the Wynyard Quarter through to Britomart along Queen Street to Dominion Road and ending near the Stoddard – Sandringham road intersection.
“This project will cut travel times, reduce congestion and pollution, improve health, and boost productivity. 29,000 people’s homes and 48,000 jobs are located within 500m of the planned stops, with major growth likely in the coming decade. This is vital infrastructure as Auckland grows.
“We see this being a joint project between the Crown and Auckland City Council, costing about $680 million each. The project has an estimated benefit to cost ratio of up to 1.9 – a gain of ninety cents for every dollar invested.
“That’s a sound investment that
will make a huge difference to Auckland’s future. With
Labour, we will get Auckland moving,” says Andrew