National Must Act on Policing Crisis Immediately
Ron Mark MP
New Zealand First
Spokesperson for
National Must Act on Policing Crisis Immediately
Police Minister Judith Collins and the government must act immediately on the Police Association’s urgent call for more police, says New Zealand First Deputy Leader and Police Spokesperson Ron Mark.
“New Zealand First has pledged to provide 1800 extra police on the front line as soon as possible. It is obvious we have a crisis.
“Police Association president Chris Cahill has confirmed what New Zealand First has said all along - more resources must be provided as soon as possible because police are struggling to deal with increased crime, the resurgence of gangs and the war against drugs.
“National’s propaganda about how law and order was under control and crime was decreasing has now been blown out of the water by Mr Cahill’s comments.
“Crime is increasing; the police can’t cope and they need help – not later, now,” Mr Mark says.