Salisbury School Being ‘Starved’ to Death
Tracey Martin MP
Spokesperson for Education
Minister Hopes No One Will Notice Salisbury School Being ‘Starved’ to Death
Families, students and staff of Salisbury School are being kept on tenterhooks over its future by Minister of Education Hekia Parata – it’s a deplorable action from a Minister, says New Zealand First.
“She remains silent on the school’s future, just five weeks out from the end of the school year,” says Spokesperson for Education Tracey Martin.
“Perhaps she’s hoping to bring about the death of the school by creating uncertainty and as a result starving it of enrolments.
“Salisbury School caters to girls from years 3 to 11 who have high, complex needs. These students and their families need time to prepare and organise their lives, so they need a definite answer. Will the school be open next year?
“New Zealand First calls on the Minister to announce her decision immediately.
“If Ms Parata truly believes in educational choice, which her government has touted to justify dodgy educational policies such as Charter Schools, then Salisbury will remain open but that the Intensive Wrap Around roadblocks will be removed and the Salisbury Solution implemented,” says Ms Martin.
“New Zealand First wants Salisbury to stay open and remain a dedicated facility for young women. Young women already face enough barriers in gaining access to these services so it is our view that a single-sex safe environment is the right provision for Salisbury.
"We believe that these young ladies deserve the same choice as their mainstream and private school peers who do not have high needs," says Ms Martin.
“We certainly hope that Ms Parata is not planning on waiting until Parliament has risen in an attempt to hide the announcement from the general public over Christmas-New Year.”