Haere mai Ngāpuhi nui tonu
Hon Andrew Little
Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations
14 November 2017
Haere mai Ngāpuhi nui tonu
The people of Ngāpuhi have been invited to a series of hui with Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little.
“The Ngāpuhi Treaty settlement is a top priority for me and I am keen to begin face-to-face meetings with the rangatira, key advisors and the hapū before Christmas.
“I have invited the main claimant groups Tūhoronuku and Te Kōtahitanga to meet on Friday and then I will attend an open hui with the people on Saturday at the Waitangi Copthorne from 9am to midday.
“This is the first in a series of hui to meet, greet and listen to the people of Ngāpuhi. It will take time to get around the rohe. I will return in December and February.
“I’m looking forward to being in Te Tai Tokerau for the listening hui as I see this as a new opportunity for genuine consultation with Ngāpuhi about their settlement issues, interests and aspirations,” says Andrew Little.