Ngāti Hinerangi and Crown initial Deed of Settlement
Minita mo ngā tāke Tiriti
Minister for Treaty of
Waitangi Negotiations
Pānui Pāpāho
14 December 2018
The Crown and Ngāti Hinerangi have initialed a Deed of Settlement for the iwi historical Treaty claims, Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Minister Andrew Little announced today.
The initialing of the Deed of Settlement, completed at a ceremony with Crown officials and Ngāti Hinerangi in Hamilton, signals the end of substantive negotiations.
“Ngāti Hinerangi’s claims relate to conflict with the Crown in Tauranga, including the 1867 Bush campaign, the Crown’s confiscation of land in Tauranga and the operation of the Native Land Court from 1866,” said Andrew Little.
“Ngāti Hinerangi was left virtually landless by Crown actions, which contributed to Ngāti Hinerangi’s economic and social marginalisation, and the loss of traditional tribal structures and knowledge.
“The initialed deed provides for financial redress of $8.1 million, the return of 14 sites of cultural significance, including part of the Wairere Falls Scenic Reserve – a sacred awa to Ngāti Hinerangi - and a cultural revitalisation fund, and five commercial properties.
“The Ngāti Hinerangi settlement will forge a new relationship between the Crown and Ngāti Hinerangi and be a real catalyst for positive change,” said Andrew Little.
The Deed of Settlement can be found at