Trade for All board releases recommendations
Hon David Parker
for Trade and Export Growth
28 November 2019 PĀNUI PĀPĀHO
The Trade for All Advisory Board
has released its recommendations for making New Zealand’s
trade policy deliver for all New Zealanders.
The report was today welcomed by Trade and Export Growth Minister David Parker.
“Trade is crucial to this country’s economy and well-being, and the benefits need to flow to all New Zealanders, which is why we are pursuing our Trade for All Agenda,” David Parker said.
“The report builds on existing work while also providing new insights and ideas. In the first quarter of 2019 I expect to provide a comprehensive all-of-government response to the Board’s recommendations.
“The independent board was established in 2018 to take a fresh look at how our trade policy can better deliver for all our people, at a time when the global trading environment is increasingly challenging.
“We want to get the best out of our existing and future trade agreements so that our regions, small and medium sized businesses, Māori and women are able to take advantage of opportunities to earn good incomes. At the same time we want to ensure we protect our unique environment and grow our economy sustainably,” David Parker said
“Interesting findings include the suggestion trade policy should avoid putting future governments in a position where they need to choose between implementing their election policies and remaining in existing international agreements.
“The report also notes that Investor-state Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clauses have damaged public trust and confidence in trade agreements.”
The Government has instructed trade negotiators to oppose the inclusion of ISDS clauses in future trade deals.
After extensive consultation the board was able to take into consideration feedback from many New Zealanders from all walks of life.
“I would like to thank Trade for All Advisory Board Chair David Pine and board members for their commitment,” David Parker said.
“I would also like to thank the many New Zealanders who have shared their views throughout the Trade for All consultation.”
The board’s report is available at: