No Incentive Left: Time For The ACT’s Vax Break
“As the number of first doses dwindles, it’s time to bring in ACT’s Vax Break, a $250 tax credit for anyone who gets vaccinated by December 1,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“The fact is, life will be no better or
worse for those not vaccinated if the country moves to the
traffic light system. There is currently no incentive for
them to get the jab. The problem is, everyone else is
relying on them to get vaccinated before they can get
“Under Alert Level 3 Step 2 in Auckland,
you will be able to go to a shop, have contactless
hospitality without vaccination, but won’t be able to get
a haircut. If Auckland moves to Red as promised, things stay
the same for those not vaccinated.
“Under Alert
Level 2 in the rest of the country, you can shop, go to
bars, and have your hair cut without vaccination. If the
rest of New Zealand moves to Orange, as promised, you’ll
have to do contactless hospo only, and you won’t be able
to get a haircut. You are better off staying
“These terrible incentives may
explain why first doses are plummeting. In the week 5-11
November, there were 16,945 doses per day, the next week
included Super Saturday and 16,995 people got their first
dose each day, the next week there were 9,054, the past
seven days the average was 8,732 per day.
current rates, Auckland won’t get to 90 per cent for each
DHB until November 28, the South Island until December 10,
and the rest of the North Island until January 17 next year.
Of course, all those projections are optimistic. First dose
rates are slowing down every week, and the incentives are
“ACT’s Vax Break policy would reduce
Government revenue by $1 billion and those eligible for the
tax credit will need to be fully vaccinated by 1
“When you file your tax return next
year, proof of vaccination by My COVID Record will qualify
you for a $250 vaccination tax credit. However, you can also
redeem it at any time, even on the day of your second
vaccination, to receive an additional $250 cash payment. If
you redeem it early, your vaccination record no longer
qualifies you to get the credit when filing.
would be a well-deserved boost for Kiwis who work hard and
have done the right thing just before Christmas. The tax
credit is a week’s worth of groceries, a couple of tanks
of petrol or Christmas presents for the
“New Zealanders pay far too much tax.
Finance Minister Grant Robertson, aka Grabby Grant, set a
record in the past year for the highest tax take ever, $97
billion – $13 billion more than the previous
“The Government uses tax on tobacco and
alcohol to cover healthcare for related diseases. Being
fully vaccinated reduces pressure on our health system so
people should be rewarded for reducing pressure on
“The Government needs to get more creative
with its thinking. It’s happy to spend the COVID fund on
cameras on fishing boats and a business case for the
replacement of Te Papa's Spirit Collection Area. It’s
happy to tax, tax, tax – but never considers giving you
back your money.
“ACT will be here to make constructive criticisms where necessary and helpful suggestions where possible, while asking the questions New Zealanders need answered.”