Aotearoa Hits 90 Percent Fully Vaccinated Milestone
Hon Chris Hipkins
Minister for COVID-19 Response
Give yourselves a pat on the back, New Zealand.
“We’ve now reached 90 percent fully vaccinated across the country – that means 3,788,151 New Zealanders have rolled up their sleeves to protect themselves, their whānau, friends and communities,” COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said.
“We knew yesterday we’d reached the milestone, and now that the official count is through, we can formally recognise the hard work of everyone who has played their part, and who are continuing to do their bit.
“Their commitment means all New Zealanders are safer and more protected, and can get back to doing the things they love, whether it’s travelling to catch up with friends and family for Christmas, heading out to restaurants, pubs and cafes, or enjoying the many festivals and outdoor events planned for the summer.
“This tremendous result could not have happened without the efforts of the many thousands of people across Aotearoa who’ve worked tirelessly since the vaccination programme was launched early this year to support the goal of getting every eligible New Zealander vaccinated.
“This includes our more than 15,000 vaccinators, as well as our DHB health teams, Māori and Pacific health providers, community NGOs, Government ministries and agencies, logistics, delivery and distribution centre staff, and the countless others who’ve been such an instrumental part of the programme’s success to date.
“This result also comes hot on the heels of the three DHBs in the Auckland metropolitan area having now hit the 90% fully vaccinated milestone. That means seven DHBs in total have now nailed this mark, with a number of others about to reach it in the coming days.
“And the work continues. By 11.59pm last night, 3,789,662 of the 4,209,057 eligible New Zealanders aged 12 and over were fully vaccinated, with 3,969,267 (or 94%) partially vaccinated.
“We know we still have more to do, and we will be continuing the mahi to further raise vaccination rates in those areas where it’s most needed – as well as among our Māori and Pacific communities to bring them closer to that 90 per cent fully vaccinated mark.
“That’s why I encourage everyone in Aotearoa who is eligible for the vaccine to go ahead and get their shot, whether it be their first, second or a booster dose.
“There are hundreds of places open until Christmas and over the summer holidays where you can get your vaccination, so it’s never been easier.
“There’s also a ton of really good information available from official, trusted sources, which is a good place to start for anyone who still has questions.
“This includes the key websites - ,,,, or your health provider. Healthline is another great place to have your questions answered – call 0800 28 29 26.
“We want all of our communities protected against COVID-19, and no-one who’s eligible to be left behind.”