National MP’s Bill Will Tackle The Wilding Conifer Problem
The Wilding Conifer Control and Eradication Legislation Bill, which aims to address the wilding conifer issue, was entered into the ballot today, says National MP for Waitaki Miles Anderson.
“The cost to New Zealand to control wilding conifers is significant and the problem will only get worse without active intervention,” says Mr Anderson.
“Evidence shows grazing stock demonstrably controls wilding conifer infestations so supporting this management tool is a no-brainer.
“That is why my Bill would promote the effective control of wilding confer on land that has the capacity to graze stock.
“Stewardship land held by the Department of Conservation (DOC) is the largest contributor to wilding conifer infestation in New Zealand.

“This Bill would ensure stewardship land affected, or at risk of being affected by wilding conifer could be leased or sold subject to certain conditions. This would enable the use of stock grazing to help control wild conifers in the area.
“Wilding conifer are forecast to spread at a rate of 5% per year, which will see conservation areas further degraded, and affect agriculture, recreation and tourism opportunities.
“This is a serious issue for New Zealand. I look forward to gathering support across the House for this Bill to urgently tackle the wilding conifer problem.”