Price-bomb Detonates In Hawke’s Bay
Question-time for ENZA
It is time for ENZA to start answering some hard questions, says Annabel Young MP. “The latest news on the braeburn price raises the question about how good ENZA are.”
“I would like to know how ENZA manage to get their predictions so wrong. Orchardists have to rely on ENZA’s price predictions but every year we have another price-bomb detonated by ENZA."
“Growers are going to have to tighten their belts. What is ENZA doing to tighten its belt? How much of the price-shortfall is due to a blow-out of overheads and how much relates to the overseas price?”
“the most important question is : Why does ENZA
concentrate on the overseas price when it is the net amount
received by growers that is crucial to growers and the
Hawke’s Bay economy?