Green Party Commit To Ending Inner-City Motorways
The Green Party is calling for a five-year moratorium on urban road building.
The call, part of the party's transport policy, comes as urban development lobby group Campaign for a Better City (CBC) today launches its 'Alternative Route' campaign to stop Wellington's innercity motorway development.
Green Party Transport Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said CBC's campaign fitted well with Green Party policies.
"We strongly support their initiative and will take it as part of our policy into the new Parliament," she said.
The Green Party is the only party committed to ending Wellington's inner city bypass and Auckland's eastern motorway, Ms Kedgley said.
As well as the five-year moratorium, the Green Party says it will push for sustainable transport policies and properly funded public transport to be introduced.
"Our cities need more walking and cycling facilities, incentives for car pooling, more local places for people to meet and innovations such home shopping to cut down on vehicle use and make cities more accessible and liveable," Ms Kedgley said.
"We know that expanding the roading capacity and building new motorways such as the Inner City bypass isn't going to ease congestion in Wellington. All it will do is increase the number of cars on the road."