Shipley Should Ask Bendon To Stay
New Zealand First leader, Rt Hon Winston Peters, believes Bendon’s decision to leave New Zealand to pursue ‘better marketing and export opportunities’ should have been put off until after the election.
“We are losing businesses every week to foreign shores as other countries provide a better business environment and attractive incentives to relocate. A change of government would mean a change of focus with regard to tariffs and manufacturing policy”, said Mr Peters.
“Until this country starts understanding the harsh realities of global marketing, New Zealand will continue to struggle economically. We will continue to see exporters, technology, and our brightest people leave our shores.
“Mrs Shipley should stop what she is currently doing, go up and see the Bendon management, and persuade them to defer this decision until after the election.
“She would then be doing something today that was positive and in the national interest, rather than she and her Cabinet leaving their collective heads in the sand while New Zealand export manufacturers lose a business a week to other countries and governments that understand the real economy.
New Zealand can no longer tolerate 15 years of Labour and National economic failure and decimation of our manufacturing industries.