Winston Employs Unethical Ploy On Party List
New Zealand First leader, Winston Peters, put out the party list right on deadline today, to ensure that none of his candidates could question their ranking, Mauri Pacific leader, Tau Henare said.
“Winston’s 11th hour ploy is a dishonest, and malicious manoeuvre to chain his candidates to the party. Making his announcement so close to deadline meant no NZ First candidate could pull out, or change their listings. They’re a chained-gang now.
“The party’s only women MP’s, Jenny Bloxham, and Robyn McDonald, have been ditched well down the list at number 22 and 20 respectively, while the party’s male MP’s have done very well, all ranking in the top 10," he said.
"For Jenny and Robin this isn't being kicked out the front door - it's a public assassination."
Mr Henare said the dithering over the list was not about involving the candidates in the decisionmaking at all, but about holding on to his insurance policy - Tu Wyllie.
“I had heard months ago that there was some rumblings between Te Tai Tonga MP, Tutekawa Wyllie, and deputy leader, Peter Brown for the number 2 spot. It should have gone as of right to Tu Wyllie.
"But it goes to show how New Zealand First treats its Maori candidates. Mr Wyllie has opted not to go on the list because to be ranked anything but number 2 would send an honest message to Maori voters, that New Zealand First is really a pakeha first party.
He said New Zealand First’s list was a slap in the face to its Maori candidates and the lack of Pacific Island candidates showed the party was a small party with a big ego and no heart.