Can't pick 'em, can't keep 'em, can't trust 'em
New Zealand First's status
as the joke party of the election is much enhanced by the
news that its top-ranked woman candidate is charged with tax
offences, says Labour campaign spokesperson Pete
"Mr Peters' announcement that NZ First will conduct its own investigation of the charges against Suzanne Bruce cheers me up no end," Mr Hodgson said. "No doubt he is already filling his winebox.
"I have every confidence that Mr Peters will pursue this matter to the utmost limits of the law - including the Privy Council, if necessary - without regard for personal expense. 'Keeping them honest' obviously starts at home for NZ First.
"Mr Peters' knack
with his party list and candidates is extraordinary. Only a
comic genius could get it so wrong, so often. Truly it is a
case of can't pick 'em, can't keep 'em, can't trust