Imported Used Cars Bill Progresses
On Wednesday this week, Harry Duynhoven's Imported Used Cars Commission of Inquiry Bill progressed a step further after being forwarded to the Commerce Select Committee after debate in the House.
The Bill seeks an investigation into used vehicle importation and odometer readings through establishing a Commission of Inquiry under the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1908.
In reaction to the Bill's progress, MVDI Executive Director, Steve Downes, said, "MVDI is supportive of any initiative to ensure that both new and used vehicles crossing the New Zealand border reflect accurate make, model and odometer readings. We know our membership would expect no less." Mr Downes said he could only "reiterate that the MVDI do not condone any practice that amounts to fraud."
For further information please contact: Steve Downes, MVDI Executive Director, telephone 04 389 5071