Family Court Judges Challenged
Family Lawyers Challenged
Open letter from North Shore Men’s Center
Collusion: The Family Court has the appearance of a Court of Collusion rather than of Justice, as a result of its secrecy. The calls for secrecy come only from the Judiciary, not from the children or their families. The recent letter from Family Court Lawyers suggests that normal rules of justice should be cast aside because this Court ‘ not a Criminal Court’. Criminal charges are often involved, and fathers are sentenced to anger management, and the fates of families are decreed based only on malicious allegations. Due process of Justice is not to be set aside for the justice of the lynch mob in this most important of Courts.
The Lawyers paint a reassuring picture of Judge and lawyers working (or colluding) together for the good of the children- as determined by them. At North Shore Men’s Center we find that fathers who represent themselves frequently achieve better outcomes for their children than fathers who employ Lawyers. Fathers are prepared to put their case strongly, and to challenge false information, and question the so-called ‘professionals- the report writers and social workers. A case it seems of the Lawyers having fools for clients.
It took a father, representing himself, (I am not allowed to name the case because of privacy!) to show that the accepted practice of awarding Custody to one parent, when there are two fit and willing parents, is in breach of the Guardianship laws, and is legally Kidnap! His argument was upheld by the judge, and should serve as a guide in future cases (assuming that Family Court Lawyers still refer to case law!).
Many cases hinge on supposedly independent and impartial reports by “Professionals”- Specialist report writers, CYF social workers etc. The reputation of CYF speaks for itself. The Specialist report writers claim to be impartial, and independent- however recently held a closed, secret meeting together with Family Court Lawyers, to hear an address by Julia Tolmie on the threat from the “Father’s Rights Movement”. I actually attended that meeting and was appalled at the degree to which fatherhood was condemned, the degree of consensus on the need to remove fathers from families, and the one- sided, purpose built ‘research’ used to justify this. If these people were independent and impartial as they claim, they would hold seminars on the threat from Radical Feminism, and refer to the huge body of reputable research available through the Fathers and Parents movements throughout the world. The ‘professionals’ are in denial of the facts that- A Women carry out most abuse of children. B The safest place for children is with the protection of their natural father. These ‘Professionals” in collusion with Lawyers and Judges, in secret Court sessions, are imposing their radical feminist ideologies onto our children.
At North Shore Men’s Center we deal with the tragic fall-out of these cases- not only men and fathers but increasing numbers of mothers and grandparents attend our weekly meetings. We provide practical help, not indoctrination. If certain Lawyers and Judges and report writers names come up repeatedly for abusing their positions- then who are we to defend them?
Outcomes- In New Zealand we give the message that a woman owns her children. We give the message that she alone can dispose of them at her whim, without regard for fathers and other family members. In New Zealand we glorify the family ‘diversity’ which puts children at the greatest risk of abuse. In New Zealand we justify this amputation of the fathering relationship creating the myth of Father violence. In the 20 years that the family Court has existed, New Zealand has progressed from a great place to raise children, to a child abuse hell. If New Zealand has a future- it is with open family courts, return of due legal process, presumption of equal shared parenting, and dismantling of the multi- million dollar father removal industry.
John Brett Spokesman North Shore Men’s centre