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National What's On


*** NATIONAL ***

~ 23 to 27 August - national speaking tour by Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane, successor to Archbishop Desmond Tutu and outspoken critic of what he calls ‘economic apartheid’ - debt repayment to institutions like the World Bank - speaks about the tragedy of debt repayment on the African continent, and the fact that South Africa continues to pay the debts incurred by the apartheid regime. WELLINGTON, Thursday 23 August, 7-30pm at the Wesley Centre, Taranaki Street, contact Peter tel (04) 496 1742; AUCKLAND, Sunday 26 August, 5-00pm at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, St Stephens Ave, Parnell (Drinks and Nibbles at 5-00pm, talk starts at 6-00pm), $5 entry, contact Jean tel (09) 630 0455; CHRISTCHURCH, Monday 27 August, 6-00pm at the Christchurch Cathedral, Cathedral Square, contact Leigh tel (03) 339 6341. Organised by the Jubilee 2000 Coalition.

~ 24 to 26 August - ‘Making Waves: Community and the Environment’, ECO Annual Conference 2001 in Wanganui - the conference will examine how the community can and is engaging with and about the environment through direct conservation efforts on land and on the coast; partnerships for conservation and the environment; the RMA, and the local body elections. For further information, contact Ross Gardiner, Conference Organiser, tel (04) 385 7545,

~ 25 and 26 August 2001- 'The Changing Face of the New Zealand Defence Force: Its National and Regional Significance', the fourth annual conference jointly hosted by The Military Studies Institute and Massey University's Defence and Strategic Studies Department - this conference is designed “as a non-partisan forum for an open and in-depth consideration of the national and regional significance of the NZDF's changing face”, sounds rather like the non-partisan, well balanced approach used by the Royal Commission on GE. To be held in the AgHort Lecture Block, Massey University, Palmerston North, for more info contact Dr Joel Hayward, Conference Convenor, Defence and Strategic Studies, Massey University, tel: 06 350-4234, fax: 06 350-5662,

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~ 27 August - Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp: 20th anniversary - celebrations and ‘Women say NO to Star Wars’ protests in Aotearoa (and elsewhere!), for background info check out (plus see local listings for Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch).

~ from 7 and 8 September - Nau mai Haere Mai, Te Waka Kai Ora - Maori Organics Networking Group will be holding hui intended to bring together Maori who are interested in sustainable and organic growing to discuss a range of issues - the establishment of a national organics network to represent Maori interests in the organics industry, healthy kai and how to grow kai, opposition to genetic modification, constitutional change and matters of concern to growers or would be growers. Hui will be held in the following areas: Te Whare Wananga O Awanuiarangi - Whakatane on 7 and 8 September; Tai Rawhiti - Hinepare on 27 and 28 October; Tai Tokerau - Te Tii Marae, Waitangi from 16 to 18 November; National hui - Whanganui from 24 to 26 January (date to be confirmed). No reira haere mai ra i runga i te kaupapa o nga matua, tupuna, 'Ki te manaaki te mauri o nga taonga katoa'. Contacts - Mere Bennett (06) 343 5561, Nick Roskruge (06) 356 9099, Cherryl Smith (06) 342 5915, or Percy Tipene (09) 405 2360.

~ 4 to 6 October - ‘Walking the talk’ Treaty Conference 2001, coming together to strategise and plan social change action, a conference with a difference with pre-conference discussions! For more info check out Treaty Conference 2001 will be hosted by Auckland WEA and Te Tari Matauranga Mäori, Manukau Institute of Technology, at the Manukau Institute of Technology, Tamaki Makaurau/Auckland. Register soon as venue capacity restrictions means there are limited places available.

~ 16 to 29 October - ‘Big brother is listening - The Inside Story: How The US, UK, Canada, Australia And NZ Spy On The World’, national speaking tour by Mike Frost (former Canadian spy). For more information about his visit to your area, please contact the following: * Christchurch - 16 October, contact Murray Horton, tel/fax (03) 366 3988,; * Blenheim - 17 October, contact Evin Wood, tel/fax (03) 5782259,; * Nelson - 18 October, contact Will Foote, tel (03) 5474779; * Golden Bay - 19 October, contact Helen Kingston, tel (03) 525 9576; * Wellington - 23 October, contact Mark Roach, tel/fax (04) 934 5612; 025 998 952; * Palmerston North - 24 October, contact Dion Martin, tel (06) 356 9658w, fax (06) 359 1333w; * Hamilton - 25 October, contact Jim Holdom, tel (07) 855 5699; fax (07) 855 5902; * Whangarei - 26 October, contact Don Ross, tel (09) 438 2388; * Auckland - 29 October, contact Gerry Hill, tel (09) 376 5989; fax (09) 376 5527

20 and 21 October - 2001: An Anarchist Odyssey 'Organising Against Capitalism in the 21st Century', this year's national anarchist conference over Labour weekend will feature workshops and discussions on a variety of topics, loosely based around the theme of local responses to capitalist globalisation and the worldwide 'anti-globalisation' movement, $20 per person for the two days, or $10 for one day (includes two meals each day). For more info contact or check out

***** LOCAL *****


~ TUES, 21 August - Human Rights Network meeting, includes a briefing on the Human Rights Amendment Bill which has its first reading in Parliament on 16 August, with speakers Rosslyn Noonan, Chief Commissioner, and Chris Lawrence, Proceedings Commissioner, from 5-30pm to 7pm, at the Human Rights Commission, Level 4, Tower Centre, 45 Queen Street. If you are planning on going, please rsvp to or tel (09) 375 8632.

~ until SAT, August 25 - there is a sophisticated audio-visual display marking the 50th anniversary of the 1951 Waterfront Lockout and supporting strikes, open Mondays to Fridays 9am to 5pm and on Saturdays 11am to 4pm, at the School of Creative & Performing Arts (at the former TVNZ studios, 74 Shortland St), free entry.

~ MON, 27 August - ‘Women say NO to Star Wars’ protest (celebrating the 20th anniversary of Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp), 5-30pm to 6-30pm at the US Consulate office, 23 Custom Street East, City. For more info check out

~ February 2002 - Tamaki 2002, a celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Aotearoa Traditional Maori Performing Arts Festival - information about the venue, and application forms for those interested in having a stall are now available on-line at


~ SAT, 18 August - Celebrate volunteers in Wellington! help plant a garden, at 10am, cnr Dixon and Victoria Streets - look for the balloons. Bring your own spade, refreshments will be served. RSVP to Volunteer Wellington, tel (04) 499 4570.

~ SAT, 18 August - 'Soup and Song', live music with the theme 'show tunes' and supper, (refreshments from the cash bar), from 7pm at the Loaves and Fishes in Hill Street behind the Anglican Cathedral, parking available, $20 pre-sale tickets, organised by Choir Choir Pants on Fire and the NZLP Industrial Branch. To request specific Show Song music and tickets, contact or

~ TUES, 21 August - seminar on Africa, with speaker David Shearer and discussant Thomas Banda, Project Manager Africa, VSA, from 5-30pm to 7pm, in the Cabinet Room, lst floor, Law Faculty Building, opposite Beehive, parking available in grounds. A Human Rights 2001 seminar, sponsored by the School of Political Science and International Relations, the Human Rights Commission and the Law Faculty. For more info contact

~ THURS, 23 August - informal reunion of 1981 anti-tour activists, 5-30pm in the old Taranaki Street Police Station (now operating as Zibibbo Restaurant and Bar) to meet each other and Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane prior to his talk (see under National listings).

~ SAT, 25 August - 'Behind the News' the fortnightly programme on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 12-30pm, brought to you by Jim Delahunty, producer of 'Dig'.

~ MON, 27 August - ‘Women say NO to Star Wars’ protest (celebrating the 20th anniversary of Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp), 5-30pm to 6-30pm at the US Embassy, 29 Fitzherbert Tce, Thorndon. For more info check out

~ MON, 22 Oct - Labour Day celebration, if your group wishes to take part, have a stall, whatever, please contact John Maynard, tel (04) 973 6373, Details to be confirmed closer to the time, likely to be 10-30am to 12-30pm, Porirua Shopping Centre.

~ SAT, 8 Sept - 'Behind the News' the fortnightly programme on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 12-30pm, brought to you by Jim Delahunty, producer of 'Dig'.

~ Every Sunday, ‘Peace Report’ on Wellington Access Radio (783 AM), broadcast at 11-45am, brought to you by the Peace Council, funded by PADET. If you or your group wish to make a free programme to be broadcast in this slot, please contact Des Brough tel/fax (04) 388 3173.


~ MON, 27 August - ‘Women say NO to Star Wars’ protest (celebrating the 20th anniversary of Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp), 5-30pm to 6-30pm at the US airforce base, Harewood, by Christchurch International airport. For more info check out

If you would like your events or meetings advertised, just send them to and write ‘for what’s on’ in the subject heading.


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