2nd Anti-Capitalism Conference 28-29 Sep Auckland
America's war moves against Afghanistan, which could spread across central Asia, the Middle East and even wider, give added urgency to the 2nd Anti-Capitalism Conference.
This conference, again hosted by the Socialist Workers Organisation, is open to everyone who wants a better society. All are welcome!
America's drive to war will be the focus of a panel discussion ("Our world is not for sale, our bodies are not for war"), as well as a combined inter-active workship ("America's war & the WTO: building a grassroots fightback").
This will give activists from around the country a unique chance to discuss anti-war themes, network across the left and start to organise a nationwide anti-war coalition.
There will also be inter-active workshops on: € building the GE-free campaign in our communities & unions € anti-capitalism in the Third World € GE & bio-colonisation € racism & immigration controls: no human is illegal € anti-capitalism & the media € activists & elections € Palestine, Zionism & resistance € can the Left unite & fight corporate power?
And a panel will discuss the topic "From Seattle to Genoa: history of anti-capitalism".
There's an impressive selection of speakers and workshop presenters from across the left spectrum. They include:
Entry to the conference is by koha - you pay what you can afford. There will be a free lunch on Saturday from 1-2pm. Everyone is welcome.
The only rules are those necessary for proper dialogue: € discussion must be political, not personal € speakers are not to be interrupted € time-wasting repetitions will be frowned on by chairs.
On Saturday evening there will be a Rock Out Against Capitalism gig at a nearby cafe/bar.
FRIDAY EVENING, 28 SEPTEMBER, from 8pm to 9.30pm. This features a panel discussion on "Our world is not for sale, our bodies are not for war".
ALL DAY ON SATURDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER, from 11am to 6.30pm. This starts with a panel discussion on "From Seattle to Genoa: history of anti-capitalism". Then, after a free catered lunch, there are eight inter-active workshops split into two streams. These are followed by a combined inter-active workshop on "America's war & the WTO: building a grassroots fightback".
€€€ CONFERENCE VENUE Trade Union Hall, 147 Great North Rd, Grey Lynn, Auckland.
SATURDAY EVENING, from 9pm, at Notes Bar, Karangahape Rd. The bands: Roofdog (ska), Loniz (hip hop), Paul Williams (acoustic) and a samba band.
Please circulate this invitation to everyone you know, and bring your friends to the Anti-Capitalism Conference. It will be a fantastic chance for everyone who values people & planet, rather than profits & power, to meet other activists, get organised and feel empowered.
If you're planning to come, it would be very helpful if you replied to this email, so we have a better idea of how much food to buy in.
If you're from out of Auckland, and are stuck for a place to stay, let me know. We'll do our best to arrange free billets (but no promises).
The full conference agenda is printed below.
Kia kaha
SWO secretary
634 3377
8-9.30pm on Friday, 28 September: Panel: Our
world is not for sale, our bodies are not for war Speakers:
€ Simy Gulzar
€ Maire Leadbeater
€ Michelle
€ Other(s) to be confirmed
11am-12.45pm on
Saturday, 29 September: Panel: From Seattle to Genoa:
history of anti-capitalism Speakers:
€ Linda Martelletti
€ Ross Gardiner
€ Vaughan Gunson
12.45pm on Saturday: Establishing a Broad Left theoretical journal in NZ: who's interested? € Presenter: Len Richards
1-2pm on Saturday: Lunch (provided free)
Workshops: first stream (2-3pm on Saturday):
€ Anti-capitalism & the media Presenter: Geraldine Peters
€ GE-free NZ: Building in our communities & unions Presenter: Steve Abel.
€ Activists & elections Presenter: Maire Leadbeater
€ Palestine, Zionism & resistance Presenter: Zaeem Baksh
Workshops: second stream (3.30-4.30pm on Saturday):
€ Racism & immigration controls: no human is illegal Presenter: Rajinder Singh
€ Anti-capitalism in the Third World Ppresenter: Simy Gulzar
€ Can the left unite & fight corporate power? Presenter: Catherine Delahunty
€ GE & bio-colonisation Presenter: Grant Morgan
Combined workshop, 5-6.30pm on Saturday:
€ America¹s war & the WTO: building a grassroots fightback Presenter: Kane Forbes
Rock Out Against Capitalism, from 9pm on Saturday. At Notes Bar, Karangahape Rd. Performers: Roofdog, Loniz, Paul Williams, a samba band