Still Many Children’s Issues To Resolve
"Still Many Children’s Issues To Resolve – Commissioner"
Media Release Office of the Commissioner for
Children Annual Report
Hon Roger McClay Commissioner
for Children
7 November 2001
In his Annual Report tabled in Parliament today, New Zealand Commissioner for Children Hon Roger McClay has highlighted a number of issues still yet to be dealt with by New Zealand society.
In his report he has listed the contentious issues of:
– corporal
punishment (section 59 Crimes Act)
– Infant Mortality
Review systems
– Mandatory Reporting
– child abuse
and neglect.
"It is gravely and seriously alarming that we still witness child abuse and neglect in shameful proportions in our society," he states.
"Public awareness and debate about these issues can only enhance our societies ability to find solutions," said Mr McClay.
Mr McClay said that it was these sorts of issues which motivated him to continue to speak loudly on behalf of children and young people.
Office of the Commissioner for Children Level 12, 86-90 Lambton Quay PO Box 5610 Lambton Quay WELLINGTON
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