Meat inspectors are not criminals
Meat inspectors are not criminals
The PSA is concerned at recent media coverage which portrays meat inspectors and the meat inspection service in a poor light, PSA national secretary Richard Wagstaff said today.
“It was quoted in various newspaper articles that many of our members at Asure New Zealand had criminal records and violent behaviour was made out to be the norm. Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, one newspaper report cited 60-70% of staff employed by Asure had convictions. The correct figure is approximately 13%, with most being of a minor nature.”
Richard Wagstaff said most meat inspectors were hard-working and diligent employees who put a lot of effort into ensuring that New Zealand provided high quality meat products on the national and international markets.
members at Asure NZ and the PSA work co-operatively and
successfully with Asure to ensure a quality service.
Comments attributed to Asure staff which were made about
meat inspectors and reported in the media are incorrect.”