Army Finalises Tender Process For Sale
7 November 2005
Army Finalises Tender Process For Sale Of Armoured Personnel Carriers
After a comprehensive review process, the New Zealand Army has selected an individual military collector in Australia as the successful tenderer for the retired fleet of 69 M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC).
The tender has now been placed before the US State Department for approval to "on sell" the vehicles as required by the International Traffic in Arms regulations. It is not known how long this process will take, but once final approval has been received the vehicles will leave New Zealand within five weeks from the approval date.
The dollar amount identified within the successful tender will not be released until after US State Department approval has been received.
Throughout the process 12 tenders were submitted for consideration from organisations within New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom.
12 APC's have been retained for the Army Museum in Waiouru for use in static and mobile displays, with another three earmarked for static displays in Linton and Waiouru Military Camps.
The APC's were put up for tender following their withdrawal from service in November 2004. The vehicles were replaced with the technologically advanced NZLAV marking the first significant step towards the modernisation of the Army.