Green Tick Releases “Climate-Friendly” Eco-Label
Green Tick Releases “Climate-Friendly” Eco-Label
New Zealand-based independent certification agency, Green TickTM Certification Limited, today announced the release of the “Green TickTM Climate-Friendly” eco¬label onto the international market.
“With the recent Stern report on the dire economic effects of climate change, and the Prime Minister’s urgent call for New Zealand industry to better promote their clean and green products to the world, now is the time for the “Climate-Friendly” brand to go onto the market,” said Mr Jeff Kemp, CEO of Green TickTM.
New Zealand industry and exporters now have access to a certification brand that can verify the “climate-friendly” status of their products. “Green TickTM Climate¬Friendly” builds on the parent “Green TickTM Sustainable” brand, so that manufacturers can license the independent “Climate-Friendly” brand to confirm the genuinely sustainable and climate-friendly nature of their products in world markets.
“Green TickTM Sustainable” and “Green TickTM Climate-Friendly” are eco-labels invented by a small group of New Zealand scientists and engineers, who foresaw the need for credible, independent consumer labels that could clearly identify genuinely sustainable and climate-friendly products in the market.
“Lately, there has been considerable international interest in Green TickTM from the US, Asia and Europe,” said Mr Kemp, “but we hope that New Zealand business will be the first to take the opportunity to use this Kiwi innovation to help promote New Zealand’s high quality climate-friendly products to the world.”
Mr Kemp would not be drawn on which international companies are interested in Green TickTM, saying only that any such discussions must necessarily remain confidential, and that more details on the “Green TickTM Climate-Friendly” eco¬label are available on the Company’s website at