Children's Day at the Auckland Zoo this Sunday
Auckland kids support Universal Children's Day at the
Auckland Zoo this Sunday
Tick, Tock
Somewhere in the world a child dies every three seconds from hunger or preventable diseases.
This Monday November 20 is Universal Children's Day, the perfect time for New Zealanders to sit up and take notice of this horrifying statistic.

For the last six weeks ChildFund have been collecting children's handprints on a banner to raise awareness of the UN endorsed awareness day. The banner is now 50 meters long and contains over 2500 New Zealanders handprints. This Sunday November 19 will be Aucklanders last chance to take part in the 'Give Us a Hand' event.
The five collection days have been fun and highly visual events, with children from all over Auckland painting their hands the colours of the rainbow to show their support for needy children around the world.
"We're astounded by the success of the 'Give Us a Hand' event. It is great to see New Zealand children taking such an active interest in helping children in need." said ChildFund National Director Paul Brown.
Universal Children's Day is a day of worldwide understanding between children, and represents the United Nations Rights of the Child.
In 1954, the General Assembly recommended that all countries institute a Universal Children's Day. It recommended that the day was to be observed as a day of activity devoted to promoting the ideals and objectives of the charter and the welfare of the children of the world.
ChildFund's 'Give Us a Hand' campaign has focused on one of the 54 Articles of the Conventions on the Rights of the Child - Article 6, for Universal Children's Day 2006, which states:
1. Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right to life.
2. Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child.
Since its adoption by the United Nations, the Convention has been signed or ratified by more countries than any other international treaty. Over the past decade, the Convention has proven to be a valuable tool for promoting the rights of children everywhere around the world.
About ChildFund New Zealand
ChildFund New Zealand is an international child development organisation which works in 54 countries, assisting 11.4 million children and family members regardless of race, creed or gender. ChildFund has worked in international aid and development for over 68 years.
ChildFund New Zealand, a member of ChildFund International, works for the well-being of children by supporting locally-led initiatives that strengthen families and communities, helping them overcome poverty and protect the rights of their children.
ChildFund's comprehensive programs incorporate health, education, nutrition and livelihood interventions that sustainably protect, nurture and develop children. ChildFund works in any environment where poverty, conflict and disaster threaten the well-being of children.