Operation Justice - Another Day At The Office
Operation Justice - Another Day At The Office
Zealand Police National News Release
4:14pm 11 December
at 3pm nearly two hundred people with outstanding Active
Warrants in Christchurch have been apprehended and
processed, with many voluntary appearances.
Canterbury District Commander Dave Cliff says staff are pleased but those on outstanding warrants who have not yet been located or come forward should be aware that the warrants are still very active.
"If you don't fancy Christmas in the cells and you have knowledge that there may be an outstanding warrant, make sure you either come forward or check with the courts as to your status. This operation will be continuing."
About one hundred staff were at the 6am line up and a late shift of twenty officers started at 2pm, continuing into the evening.
"The co operation between police, courts and prisons has facilitated progress today," says Superintendent Cliff. "Many members of the public have also been very supportive in our inquiries."
"Those wanted on warrant should present themselves at the Christchurch Central Police Station as soon as possible to avoid arrest at a time they might not be expecting."
Four people were also arrested on warrants in North Canterbury and Senior Sergeant Peter Cooper says that there will be several more to follow up over the balance of the week
Some more stories;
• Most houses visited had dogs but one team met a dog they described as being 'the size of a small car', a 95 kg dangerous breed which did however do as its owner asked - not move towards police.
• Another team was met at the door by a man with a machete, however he was not being looked for, another occupant was. He was at home on home detention with an ankle bracelet.
• Teams are crossing paths; one group had just asked directions at an address when another team arrived to arrest an occupant.
• Several teams have been threatened with letters to local MP's by people objecting to being woken so early in the morn.
• After making some phone inquiries, five minutes later a man was waiting on the street for another team. "He was the most compliant person I have ever arrested."
However these are all just seen by Police as 'another day on the job'.