CTU willing to discuss small business challenges
12 December 2008
CTU willing to discuss small business challenges - but cannot support unfair dismissal law
"The Council of Trade Unions is willing to discuss with small businesses the challenges that they face but cannot support any law which removes the fundamental right of appeal against unfair dismissal," CTU president Helen Kelly said today.
"Our opposition to this Bill has always been around the unfairness it creates. The Bill sets up a group of workers who have less rights than others, and facilitates employers firing people without even having to give the courtesy of telling them what went wrong."
"This law means, for example, that a worker who insists on being provided with health and safety equipment can be sacked with no rights of appeal."
"The new law treats workers as disposable, and we welcome the early commitment from Labour that it would repeal the Bill," Helen Kelly said.
"National drove through the Fire at Will Bill yesterday and today under urgency when there was no compelling reason to do so. This week was not a good start for workers," Helen Kelly said.