NZ Patrol Involved In Firefight In Afghanistan
New Zealand Defence Force
Te Ope Kaatua O Aotearoa
November 2009
Media Release: New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction Team Involved In Contact In Afghanistan

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Toyota Hilux vehicles as used by the NZPRT in Afghanistan.
A patrol from the New Zealand Provincial Reconstruction Team (NZPRT) in Bamyan Province, Afghanistan was attacked by a group of insurgents using small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades late Sunday morning (Afghanistan time). There were no New Zealand casualties.
The New Zealanders were engaged on more than one occasion throughout the incident and the patrol returned fire.
Coalition air support was activated and two helicopter gunships engaged the insurgents. Supporting New Zealand patrols moved to assist and all NZDF personnel were able to move to a safe location.

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A Toyota Hilux vehicle on patrol.
During the attack two vehicles suffered minor damage, but there were no injuries sustained. Personnel have returned to Kiwi Base and are preparing for their next task.
“Although Bamyan Province continues to be a relatively secure part of Afghanistan, it is imperative that we continue to provide security alongside the Afghan National Police in the lead up to the Presidential Election run-offs,” said Senior National Officer Colonel Martin Dransfield.
The NZPRT has been in Bamyan Province since September 2003, supporting the provincial and local government by providing advice and assistance to the Provincial Governor, Afghan National Police and the district sub-governors. The NZPRT promotes security and stability in the region, as well as identifying and project managing various NZAID reconstruction tasks, and distributing Humanitarian Aid.
There are currently 805 New Zealand Defence Force personnel deployed on 14 operations, UN missions and defence exercises around the world.