Parliamentary Service stop threatening workers
Unite calls for Parliamentary Service to stop threatening workers
Unite union is calling for Parliamentary Service to stop trying to scare workers with threats of a lock out, and to step up to the bargaining table with a fair deal.
Parliamentary Service employs security officers, library staff, chamber and gallery staff, building maintenance staff, messengers and other staff at Parliament.
Workers have been trying to negotiate their collective agreement for a month now, and have been offered nothing but a wage freeze and a claw back of redundancy conditions.
Parliamentary staff work long hours in often pressured and trying conditions; to be treated with such disrespect by their employer is a slap in the face for the people who keep our Parliament running smoothly.
Locking staff out would cause a much greater threat to parliament than any two hour strike, and we urge Parliamentary Service to consider the potential health and safety risk of having inexperienced people attempting to perform specialised roles.
Unite union members at Parliament fully support Parliamentary staff and the PSA in their struggle for a fair employment agreement.