Boycott Unconstitutional Review Urges Peters
Rt. Hon Winston Peters
Leader NZ
Boycott Unconstitutional Review Urges Peters
Rt Hon Winston Peters has urged all New Zealanders to boycott the so-called constitutional review led by the National and Maori Parties describing it as undemocratic and open to abuse of the principles of majority rule.
The review is part of National's coalition agreement with the Maori Party and Mr Peters says he is most concerned that it is led by politicians operating along party lines and not by any judges or constitutional experts.
“This is a shameful blight on this country's proud tradition of sticking to the rules of democracy and ensuring that every citizen has the right to participate in the process of electing governments in a fair and open way.
“Our democratic future must not be left to a shonky backroom deal between the National and Maori parties.
“Although National has until now, always supported proper constitutional principles, the Maori Party has always had a warped perspective on majority rule and believes that some fictional Treaty notion allows some form of minority rule.
“It should be remembered that only last year the Maori Party rushed to support the military dictatorship in Fiji and has on a number of occasions pointed out the shortcomings of democracy as they apply to Maori.”
Mr Peters said he would be astonished and dismayed if any political parties or interest groups supported the review.
“This politically motivated review should be stopped in its tracks and we urge all New Zealanders to boycott it.
“You only have to look at the foreshore and seabed shambles to see what National and the Maori Party get up to behind closed doors,” said Mr Peters.