Peters Says Key is Scared of TV Debates
Rt. Hon Winston Peters
Leader NZ
August 2
Peters Says Key is Scared of TV Debates
Rt Hon Winston Peters says he is prepared to give the Prime Minister 30 seconds start to answer every question if John Key takes his courage in his hands and fronts up to a live TV debate involving party leaders.
The New Zealand First leader was responding to John Key’s refusal to take part in a TV debate with anyone other than the Labour leader Phil Goff.
“With all respect to Mr Goff, you don’t leave your best fighter out of the ring in a boxing match and you don’t leave New Zealand First out of a debate that needs answers to some tough questions.
“We are prepared to give Mr Key not only a start but the studio audience could also include twenty of his staff to offer advice and shout down his opponents because he will need them.
“All we ask for in return is a glass of water and one second with a towel to wipe the blood off the floor,” said Mr Peters.