Conservatives will abolish Parole – McVicar
Conservatives will abolish Parole – McVicar
Conservative Party Justice Spokesman says that one of his
first tasks when he gets to Parliament will be to overhaul
the Parole system.
On current polling and the fact he is ranked No 3 on the Conservative Party list and also its candidate for the Napier Electorate McVicar will be going to Parliament.
“As founder of the Sensible Sentencing Trust I have spent 13 years helping victims challenge a parole system that seems to have been designed to torment them,” McVicar said.
“If a Judge gives 9 years that is what should be served but the existing offender friendly parole system means most criminals come up for parole at one third of their Judge given sentence.”
“Victims are continually re-traumatized, the current system opens up old wounds and locks victims into the cycle of grief and ensures they cannot put the crime behind them.”
“That is dumb and we want to change it. When it comes to victims of crime we want the criminal justice system to be about them, we want victims at the centre of the process – not the criminal.”
“The Conservative Party will overhaul the parole system so that a Judge given sentence means what it says, 9 years will mean 9 years. Life will mean Life. The only function of the parole board will be to apply release conditions and ensure they are enforced.