"Bribe-O-Meter" Relaunched
"Bribe-O-Meter" Relaunched Following $1.4 Billion Light Rail Splurge
31 OCTOBER 2016
The Taxpayers’ Union is relaunching its election Bribe-O-Meter to keep track of politicians’ pork-barrel promises in the lead up to the Mt Roskill by-election. Taxpayers’ Union Executive Director, Jordan Williams, says:
“While the by-election is for a single Parliamentary seat, the cost of pork-barrel promises impact the pockets of all New Zealand taxpayers.”
“Labour has run roughshod over Auckland Council and the NZTA's cost-benefit planning processes. Its pledge to spend $1.4 billion on light rail risks an expensive bidding war with the Government - with the cost landing on taxpayers.”
"The Bribe-O-Meter is to provide transparency and accountability for what those promises will cost."
The Mt Roskill Bribe-O-Meter will be hosted online at www.taxpayers.org.nz.