Public satisfaction with Police remains high
Public satisfaction with Police remains high
from this year’s Citizens’ Satisfaction Survey show
trust and confidence levels in New Zealand Police remain
high and stable at 77 per cent.
Mark Evans, Deputy Chief Executive Strategy, says the results from the 2015/16 survey, which has been run annually for the last eight years, reflect the huge commitment Police has made to improve the way they deliver services to the public.
Police are more mobile, visible, efficient and effective than ever before and as a result our communities are safe places to live, work and play.
“There was a significant increase in overall satisfaction – 84 per cent were very satisfied or satisfied with the overall quality of the service they received.”
The independently-run survey asks people their views about Police, feelings of safety and what their service experience was like if they recently had contact with police.
This year 9,266 people throughout the country took part in the research.
Mark Evans said that 87 per cent of people said that their service experience was much better or better than they expected.
The most common reason people gave was that the police officer had a positive attitude.
There was a significant improvement in satisfaction with the service received at public counters (84 per cent up from 78 per cent) and when calling local stations (76 per cent from 67 per cent).
"No matter how well we do as an organisation, there is a requirement to do better.
Our vision is to have the trust and confidence of all.
The survey shows us areas in which we can make improvements and, of course, there are also variations between different districts."
“The results highlight the good work of our staff and it’s great to see their commitment being recognised through the survey.
We also recognise that we can’t take it for granted and will continue to work hard to maintain the trust and confidence of New Zealanders.”
"The survey gives members of the
public the opportunity to tell us how we are doing, and we
thank those who took the time to participate in the
survey,” Mark Evans said.
More information about the
survey, including the full report, can be found