Waikato DHB's oversight of former CEO yet again in question
Waikato DHB's oversight of former CEO yet again in question
19 October 2017
Reacting to a story by the NZ Herald last
night, that suggests former Waikato DHB CEO, Dr Nigel
Murray, may have been claiming expenses for a woman he was
not married to, brings further into question the oversight
of the DHB and its Chairman Bob Simcock.
Jordan Williams,
Executive Director of the Taxpayers' Union says, “A
complete lack of oversight by the Waikato District Health
Board and its Chairman Bob Simcock has seen Dr Murray fly
under the radar for two years, racking up $108,000 of
taxpayer-funded expenses. It has now been suggested that
some travel and accommodation expenses were apparently not
only for himself, but also another woman who he was not
married to."
"The Waikato DHB and Bob Simcock are responsible for hiring Dr Murray, despite warnings of his failure at the former hospital he ran, and having neglected to attend conferences he was paid to go to. They are the ones who should be held to account."
"We launched a petition two weeks ago calling on Bob Simcock to resign, which has received signatures from hundreds of New Zealanders. These new revelations bring this call into light once again."
"The DHB say they will release information from the investigation later this month, this is simply not good enough. The silence speaks for itself. Public money has been used inappropriately, and the only loser from this debacle are taxpayers."