New NZ First Foundation leaks contradict Peters’ claims
The Taxpayers’ Union is calling on Deputy Prime Minster Winston Peters to front up and explain newly leaked details of his involvement in the establishment of the NZ First Foundation and so called “benefits” to those who contribute to the NZ First Foundation.
Responding RNZ's newly published details, Taxpayers’ Union Executive Director Jordan Williams said:
“Mr Peters' claims that as the leader of the ‘political wing’ of NZ First he was not involved in the ‘administrative matters’ of the Foundation are looking questionable, at best. The document appears to show that in fact Mr Peters was right in the middle of the Foundation’s establishment.”
“But the greater concern for taxpayers, and democracy, is the leaked documents reference to ‘benefits’ being attached to the NZ First Foundation’s tiered donation structure. What does that mean? What do donors get in return for their support of the Foundation? A subscription to a newsletter maybe, dinners with Shane Jones perhaps, or is it something else?”