Politics in Full Sentences, 29 November 2019
The Podcast
week on the podcast, we heard from former ACT MP and
Federated Farmers President Owen Jennings about the
Government’s attacks on the rural sector, why ACT was
right to oppose the Zero Carbon Act, and why the National
Party has been missing in action. You can watch here and listen here.
A New
It’s hard for any
society to problem solve without civilised disagreement. The
politics of offence is one of the biggest problems we face.
Luckily, we fund whole institutions so students and
academics can debate difficult issues. Those institutions
get our money and the law requires them to uphold academic
freedom. What could go wrong?
Take the Money and
But now there is a
growing trend of controversial speakers being shut down to
appease left-wing activists. David Seymour plans to introduce
legislation that would cut funding to universities that
fail to protect free speech. As a taxpayer, you shouldn’t
have to fund institutions that are part of the problem. You
can find our campaign website here.
A New
A new Stuff/YouGov poll this week
predicted ACT would get a second MP if an election was held
today. Several recent polls have now suggested ACT could get
between two and four MPs next year. This is a testament to
the tireless work of David Seymour. If you would like to see
more ACT MPs join David in 2020, you can support our growing movement
Is it
Poll bashing is rife.
It’s true that the polls have failed to predict some
results such as Brexit and Trump, but those results were so
close no poll could have predicted them. It’s the
difference between precision and accuracy. A poll can be
accurate, but not precise enough to call a close race.
Meanwhile, New Zealand polls have been accurate to date, and
international polling guru Nate Silver rates
Strike Force
Our big issue with
Labour is that its ideas sound really good, but don’t work
very well. Could National’s ‘Strike Force Raptor’
clone be a bit like that? Everyone likes beating up on
gangs, but is that actually our goal? Rational people should
want to be safe more than they want to punish the
Did it Work in New South
National’s policy is
to copy New South Wales. What’s interesting is whether
people there got safer over the ten years they’ve had this
special gang Police unit. One easy way to test the idea is
to see if NSW became safer than other states that didn’t
have Strike Force Raptor. For example, out of eight states
and territories, NSW was the third worst for car theft in
2009. By 2018 it was the fifth worst, so doing
What About Other
NSW also went from
third worst to seven worst in attempted break ins and sixth
equal to seventh worst for assault. For every other crime
category, NSW either stayed the same or got worse. This is a
pretty rough and ready analysis, but basically it did not
become safer for the average person due to Strike Force
Corporate Welfare: Part
On Tuesday, the Government
gave your hand-earned money to a privately-owned skincare
company. By all accounts, The Herb Farm is doing very well.
Why, then, couldn’t it get a loan from the bank, as its
competitors do? We can only assume it has been given more
favourable terms by the taxpayer than it would get from a
commercial bank. Of course, we will never know on what terms
your money has been loaned.
Some Objections to
Corporate Welfare
There are
many objections to corporate welfare, but here are just two.
As a result of corporate welfare, the tax burden is several
billion dollars higher than it needs to be, New Zealanders
will work, save and invest less, and the economy will be
smaller than it otherwise would be. We all lose as a result.
Second, who is likely to get a better return on investment:
Shane Jones, who needs to spend several million dollars a
day in the lead up to an election at which his party might
go under 5 per cent? Or someone in the private sector
spending their own money on a business they know more about,
and who is at risk of losing their shirt if it goes wrong?
We all know the answer. Corporate welfare is deeply
wasteful, and nobody spends money better than the person who
earned it.
Corporate Welfare: Part
Rio Tinto is back in the
Beehive after being given $30 million by taxpayers in 2013.
Labour rightly called that a “brazen exercise in corporate
welfare”. But today’s Labour Government, in the form of
Megan Woods, has very politely entertained its request. She
should have sent them packing. ACT says that private firms
must stand on their own two feet and taxpayers should not be
forced to subsidise particular jobs, firms or industries. We
will not become a wealthier society by taxing productive
firms and workers in order to subsidise the
Greens’ Paternalistic Waste
Wednesday’s landfill tax
was the eighth time the Government has introduced a new tax
or hiked an existing one. Jacinda Ardern’s promise of
“no new taxes” in 2017 seems a long time ago now. This
isn’t about simply covering the cost of landfills. The
Greens want to change your behaviour with a six-fold
increase in the landfill tax. It’s classic paternalism.
But it will also have the unintended consequence of
encouraging the illegal dumping of waste. It’s also a
regressive tax, hitting poorer households harder. ACT’s
view is that councils should be allowed to charge for
landfill on a cost recovery basis, rather than being
dictated to by a paternalistic central
Support Our Growing
ACT is fighting on
your behalf in Wellington. We have been a principled voice
of opposition to rushed firearms legislation, the flawed
Zero Carbon Act, and hate speech legislation. We’ve also
put forward a positive vision for New Zealand, including one
low rate of tax and letting parents control the education