NZ Troops Are Human Shields!
Libertarianz Defence Spokesman Robert Winefield deplores the cross-party decision to send troops to East Timor, where peacekeeping will essentially mean providing human shields to the Timorese populous. "This is a mission ill-suited to trained combat troops - indeed mercenaries with Mrs Shipley's anatomical qualities would be far superior human shields - and entirely inappropriate for a NZ Defence Force whose role is to defend our shores."
"We recognise the horror of the current slaughter, but we must also recognise that New Zealand has no selfish interest in East Timor," says Winefield. "It is immoral that tax payers' money should be squandered on this mission, and disgusting that New Zealand soldiers will die because of it. If people feel the need they should get on a boat and go themselves," he says.
"The Timor operation appears to have the same ingredients as the Somalian debacle," warns Winefield, "where Rangers were ambushed attempting to capture a local warlord. A combination of poor equipment, unclear objectives, and the absence of a uniformed enemy led to that disaster and could lead to a repeat here.
"The Government has given no guidelines about when the troops will come home, or even if they will have to remain to safeguard against future incursions by Indonesian backed guerrillas. Jane's Defence Weekly suggests they will be there AT LEAST two years. They should never be sent."