Don't You Need to Borrow First?
National's Youth Vice President Daniel Gordon today condemned the Labour-Alliance bloc's plan to bring 'hope' to New Zealand.
"Judging by the way that Helen Clark fudges the issues and refuses to tell voters where the money for Labour's promises is coming from, borrowing and taxes are the only certainties she can give New Zealanders," he said.
"The Labour-Alliance bloc wants to take New Zealanders back to the bad old days of borrow and hope. This is in contrast to National who has reduced debt greatly since 1990, while at the same time increasing social spending to record levels and lowering taxes. National will continue to deliver thi s over the next three years."
Daniel Gordon also commented on Labour's choice of election slogan.
"It is rather ironic that Labour's slogan is 'The Future is with Labour.' It is time Labour told the truth about what they want to do to New Zealand - there is no future in anything that Labour offers.
"Labour is offering yesterday's solutions to today's problems. Whereas, National is offering today's solutions to today's problems. There is no future in the past Helen!"
The Youth Vice President said Labour offers nothing to the youth of New Zealand, except a lousy election year bribe that will only apply to full-time and low-income university students. This differs to National's approach where the student loan changes announced recently will apply to everyone.
"Furthermore, student graduates will have more of a chance under National's growth-focused policies of getting a job and they can also expect to pay less tax.
"It is important that New Zealanders of all ages consider what Government they want - one that winds the clock back, or one that takes New Zealand forward," said Daniel Gordon.