Humanware Takes Top Prize at Awards
Humanware Takes Top Prize at Allied Telesyn Hi Tech Awards
Press release, Sunday 2-October-2005, Allied Telesyn New Zealand Hi Tech Awards 2005, Christchurch: Christchurch company HumanWare took the top honours at last night's Allied Telesyn New Zealand Hi Tech Awards, a crowning achievement for a company whose products help thousands of sight-impaired clients lead more independent lives.
The Awards ceremony capped a weekend of technology events, with each achieving excellent turnout amongst New Zealand's electronics, software and biotech industries. Nearly 300 people attended the popular combined Hi Tech opening cocktail function and Bright Sparks Awards, 120 breakfasted at the Industry Forum, and 460 at the Award presentation Ceremony - evidence of a strong and fervent industry.
The "Science Fiction, Science Future" theme provided great entertainment on the night and throughout the lead up to the Awards, courtesy of Christchurch comedy troupe the Outwits. Last night, the two cryogenically de-frosted 1950s science geniuses pontificated on the George Jetson-like futuristic lifestyles we should be leading here in the 21st Century before making a dramatic exit at the end of the evening in a 'high-tech' flying car.
World-acclaimed public speaker David Nottage acted as MC, while 14 finalists and four up-and-coming technology talents vied for the awards.
But at the end of the night, only one company could steal the show and hold up the ultimate Supreme Allied Telesyn New Zealand Hi Tech Company of the Year Award. This honour went to HumanWare.
The judges commented, "HumanWare is undoubtedly one of the brightest lights amongst New Zealand's elite exporters and a true global leader. Since it was founded in 1988 the company has grown steadily to become one of the top two companies in the world in its market. Winning both the Supreme Allied Telesyn Hi Tech Company of the Year and the Avnet Electronics Marketing Electronic Company of the Year Awards is a fitting recognition of the contribution to industry of its founder and CEO, the late Dr Russell Smith."
Earlier in the evening Chairman of the Organising Committee, Mr Phil Holliday, had paid a special tribute to Dr. Russell Smith who, together with his wife Marion, died in an air accident just two months ago. Russell was highly respected by the industry and his sudden departure was a great shock and sadness to everyone who knew him.
In total, the Allied Telesyn New Zealand Hi Tech Awards celebration congratulated eight Award Winners, plus joint recipients of both the Flying Kiwi Hall of Fame and the Adilam Young Achiever Award.
Sir Woolf Fisher and Maurice Paykel became our first joint inductees into the Flying Kiwi Hall of Fame, and were posthumously recognised for their outstanding leadership and innovation in the appliance industry.
Michael Moyle of Allied Telesyn and Mason Pratt of Provoke Solutions each had such strong entries for the Adilam Young Achiever Award that the judges agreed to award them jointly.
Below is the full list of winners of the Allied Telesyn New Zealand Hi Tech Awards 2005:
Allied Telesyn Hi Tech Company of the Year: The
HumanWare Group, Christchurch
Avnet Electronics Company
of the Year: The HumanWare Group, Christchurch
Software Company of the Year: Pharos Systems NZ Ltd,
NZBio Biotech Company of the Year: Neuren
Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Auckland
Westpac Flying Kiwi Award:
Sir Woolf Fisher and Maurice Paykel
Tait Electronics Deal
of the Year: Endace Measurement Systems Ltd,
Navman Emerging Company of the Year: Esphion
Ltd, Auckland
Enatel Most Innovative Product of the Year:
Esphion Ltd, Auckland
Morel & Co High Growth Company of
the Year: Endace Measurement Systems Ltd, Auckland
Marketer of the Year: SLI Systems Inc.,
Adilam You
Microsoft Software Company of the Year:
Interactive Technologies Ltd, Auckland
NZBio Biotech
Company of the Year: Living Cell Technologies Ltd,
Navman Emerging Company of the Year: XSol Ltd,
Enatel Most Innovative Product of the Year:
Fibre-gen Instruments Ltd, Christchurch
Morel & Co High
Growth Company of the Year: Enatel Ltd,
Avnet Electronics Company of
the Year: Endace Measurement Systems Ltd, Auckland
Electronics Deal of the Year: Bluewater Systems Ltd,
Navman Emerging Company of the Year: Black
Coffee Software Ltd, Wellington
Navman Emerging Company
of the Year: Bluewater Systems Ltd, Christchurch
Marketer of the Year: Fraame Solutions,
Adilam Young Achiever of the Year: Allister
Cournane & Matt Smith, Hindin Communications,
About The Allied Telesyn New Zealand Hi
Tech Awards
The Allied Telesyn New Zealand Hi Tech Awards, now in their 12th year, are aimed at New Zealand's successful Hi Tech companies who have married research and development with the ability to successfully market and sell products both within New Zealand and offshore. Rotating each year between Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, the Awards not only celebrate excellence in New Zealand's Electronics, Software and Biotech industries, they also celebrate outstanding individual achievement by new talent and more established players with the Young Achiever and Flying Kiwi awards.
In 2004, the winner of the Hi Tech Company of the Year Award was PayGlobal Limited, and the Hi Tech Hall of Fame Flying Kiwi Award winner was Neville Jordan. Other award winners last year included Proacta Therapeutics Limited, GlycoSyn Technologies, The Gallagher Group, Whisper Tech, Aftermail Limited, Orcon Internet Limited, Emech Control Limited, Syft Technologies Limited, and the Young Achiever winner, Seeby Woodhouse.