Possible kauri dieback check in Hamilton
31 August
Possible kauri dieback check in Hamilton
Waikato Regional Council has this afternoon cordoned off two kauri trees at Woodstock Primary School in Fairfield after signs that they may be infected with the fungus-like disease known as “kauri dieback”.
Kauri dieback has so far been confirmed to have affected trees in the Northland and Auckland regions. The disease enters the tree via the roots and causes it to die. A major multi-agency programme, including the council, is underway to help prevent its spread.
The disease has been a significant issue in other areas since 2006 but so far there have been no confirmed cases in the Waikato.
However, after a public call to the kauri dieback hotline, the council’s biosecurity team this morning visited Woodstock school to check the two trees, which were planted at the school about 30-40 years ago.
As a result of information from the council inspection, the kauri dieback programme requested the cordoning off and for signs to be put up alerting people to stay on a concrete path that goes by the two trees.
It’s expected to be up to six weeks before tests can confirm whether the trees are actually infected.
The programme will begin developing a disease management plan for the area in conjunction with the school and other interested parties.
The key way people can help prevent the spread of the disease is to stay on formed tracks in areas where there are kauri, to not stand on kauri roots and to keep footwear clean.
Signage to this effect and footwear cleaning stations have been put in place in parts of the Coromandel, the Hakiramata Ranges near Ngaruawahia, Te Kauri Reserve near Kawhia and a private reserve.
Checks on a range of sites in the Waikato are ongoing for other signs of kauri dieback.
More information on kauri dieback is available at www.kauridieback.co.nz.
Waikato Regional Council
The council’s area extends
from the Bombay Hills in the north to Mt Ruapehu in the
south, and from the mouth of the Waikato River to Mokau on
the west coast, across to the Coromandel Peninsula on the
The region contains nationally important electricity generation facilities, an internationally significant dairy sector and iconic natural features, such as Lake Taupo, which are key tourist attractions.
The council has three
key strategic goals:
• The values of land and
water resources are sustained across the region
The people of the region collaborate to achieve a shared
vision of the Waikato competing globally, caring
• The Waikato Regional Council meets its
legislative co-governance requirements by working together
in good faith and a spirit of co-operation
wide-ranging responsibilities include:
sustainable management of natural and physical resources,
including pest control.
• planning regional
growth and transport, and providing bus services.
civil defence, emergency response, navigation safety, dam
safety, flood management, erosion control and road
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