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Cablegate: Southeast Turkey Press Summary,

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.



E.O. 12958: N/A
APRIL 23, 2003

1. This is the Southeastern Turkey press summary
for April 23, 2003. Please note that Turkish
press reports often contain errors or
exaggerations; AmConsulate Adana does not vouch
for the accuracy of the reports summarized here.


2. Milliyet: Ankara is undertaking a major
legal arrangement to bring PKK militants down
from the mountains because it is not being
satisfied with the results of the "repent law"
for dissolving the PKK. The expanded legal
arrangements, which aim to contribute to social
reconciliation, have been made in light of the
evaluations at the summit of the state to
eradicate the terrorist components and their
arms. The projects has also been evaluated at the
National Security Council, and it is assessed
that such an arrangement will become more
effective to enhance the national security
because of the likely political atmosphere and
structure taking place in postwar Iraq. Ending
the chaotic situation and filling the vacuum of
authority in the region will also encourage the
PKK/KADEK militants to benefit from the new
repent law. Officials said that previous repent
laws were unfruitful, and the desired results
were not attained from them despite distribution
of thousands of handouts by helicopters to the
militants in the mountains. The current repent
law would give short-term light sentences
followed by pardoning the militants.

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3. Hurriyet: Turkey sought an amicable solution
to four arson and mysterious killing cases
handled at the European Court of Human Rights
yesterday. Accepting the crimes and the
shortcomings in the legal investigations, Turkey
agreed to pay 224,500 Euros in indemnities to the
victims of the four cases. Huseyin Ates, whose
house was set on fire in 1994 will be paid 49,000
Euros; Zeki Yildiz, who was attacked by wardens
in Buca prison of Izmir, 30,500 Euros; Beyaz
Macir, whose husband was killed by the security
forces, 70,000 Euros; and Zahide Guler, whose
husband was killed by the security forces in Mus,
75,000 Euros.

4. Evrensel: Diyarbakir HRA Chapter's 2002
report on land mines revealed that 9 persons were
killed due to land mine explosions in 2002. The
report said 24 persons were killed and 45 others
were wounded in 24 incidents due to the exploding
of rockets, mortars, land mines, and hand
grenades. The article provides specific
information relating to HRA's account regarding
the five explosions that took place in Sirnak
province affecting fifteen people. The report
also announced that three more persons had lost
their lives while many others were wounded in
land mine explosions in Hakkari, Mardin, Van, and
Siirt provinces.

5. Evrensel: Workers and the Sanliurfa
Municipality signed a two-year collective
agreement covering 1227 municipal workers.
According to the agreement, the workers will be
given a 13 percent increase for the first and
second six months, and 14 percent for the third
and fourth six months of the contract. The
fringe benefits were equally raised. An
additional average amount of USD 75 will be given
to sanitation workers under the name of
compensation for constantly being exposed to bad
odor. With the latest salary adjustments, the
minimum monthly wage for a municipal worker will
be USD 160 while the maximum wage will be USD

6. Turkiye/Bolge: Based on a tip, jandarma teams
seized four thousand roots of hemp in a green
house of tomatoes in Kavakli village of Ceyhan
(Adana). Four owners of the green houses were
arrested in connection with hemp. Officials said
an investigation is underway.

7. Turkiye: Jandarma teams patrolling Soguksu
village, close to the Iranian border, arrested 22
Afghan and Pakistani nationals who had illegally
passed into Turkey. In addition, 2 unidentified
Turks, allegedly helping and harboring them, were
also arrested. They will be arraigned after the
completion of their interrogation by security

8. Cumhuriyet/Milliyet: Foreign Ministry
spokesman Huseyin Dirioz disclosed that the UN's
World Food Program (WFP) announced that they
purchased 101 tons of foodstuffs needed in Iraq
from Turkey. Dirioz stated that the foodstuffs
amounted to USD 40 million, and about 100 trucks
per day would carry the material from Habur
border gate to Iraq. Dirioz added that WFP
wanted to buy a quantity of 400 to 500 thousand
tons of foodstuff from Turkey, valued at USD 200
million. Radikal gives the inventory of the food
items that have been or will be purchased by WFP
as follows: 13 thousand tons of flour purchased
from Turkey was carried by 442 trucks to Erbil
and Sulaymania; USD 1.5 million worth of assorted
medical and educational material was dispatched
to Iraq following the same route; WFP purchased
about 43 thousand tons of flour and sugar from
Turkey while the amount of legumes, vegetable
oil, and high energy content biscuits reached 80
thousand tons. The UN brought about 20 thousand
tons of humanitarian relief items to Iskenderun
port which were then forwarded to Iraq.

9. Radikal: Lawyers and Human Rights Advocates
attending the hearing of a 14-year-old girl in
Kiziltepe of Mardin were attacked by the
relatives of the 30 inmates charged with rape as
their request for being released from prison was
refused by the court during the session closed to
press and audiences. The lawyers and HR
advocates were stranded for 1.5 hours in the
courthouse due to the conduct of the inmates'
relatives. The lawyers demanded the case be
transferred to another town for security


10. Milliyet: Mersin Chamber of Commerce and
Industry affiliate Development Agency Project
Coordination Center announced that 18 Israeli
companies had applied to their center in order to
attend the May 25-26 meeting sponsored by them.
The Israeli companies are mainly consulting firms
on greenhouse technologies, irrigation,
fertilizers, livestock raising, packaging, food
technologies, biological control, cultures
without soil, packing materials, and agricultural
technologies in Israel.

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