Cablegate: Got Approves Revised Seebrig Assurances
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. Embassy Ankara received a diplomatic note from the Turkish
MFA on June 24, confirming that the SEEBRIG assurances
requested of the GOT (reftel) are acceptable to the GOT and
that its note constitutes an agreement between the USG and
the GOT. Embassy Ankara has reviewed the diplomatic note and
can confirm that the text to which the GOT has agreed is
identical to that which the Embassy provided to the GOT. The
complete text of the diplomatic note follows at paragraph 2.
A copy of the GOT's diplomatic note has also been faxed to
2. Begin text of diplomatic note:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey
presents it compliments to the Embassy of the United States
of America and refers to the Embassy's note 1138 of October
16, 2002, which reads as follows:
"The Embassy of the United States of America presents
its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Government of Turkey and refers its note verbale 866 of
August 9, 2002 and to the provision of United States law that
requires the Government of the United States of America,
prior to a grant under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as
amended, or successor legislation, or sale or lease under
Section 3 of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, or
successor legislation, of defense articles, related training
and other defense services, to obtain assurances from
recipient nations of such defense articles, related training
and other defense services. The Government of the United
States of America is currently and may in the future be
providing assistance to the Government of Bulgaria, as the
Headquarters Host Nation of the South Eastern European
Brigade (SEEBRIG), as well as to future SEEBRIG Headquarters
Host Nations, for the establishment of a Communications
Information System (CIS), for use by all SEEBRIG member
states in furtherance of SEEBRIG operations. Prior to
permitting the temporary transfer and use of any such defense
articles, related training and other defense services from
the Government of Bulgaria or any other SEEBRIG member nation
acting as the SEEBRIG Headquarters Host Nation, to the
Government of Turkey for use in SEEBRIG operations the
Government of the United States of America is required to
obtain from the Government of Turkey the revised assurances
A. That unless the consent of the Government of the United
States of America has been first obtained, the Government of
Turkey shall not:
I) Use or permit the use of such defense articles,
related training or other defense services for purposes other
than for SEEBRIG operations;
II) Permit any use of such defense articles, related
training or other defense services by anyone not an officer,
employee or agent of the Government of Turkey;
III) Transfer or permit any officer, employee or agent
of the Government of Turkey to transfer such defense
articles, related training or other defense services by gift,
sale, or otherwise, except to the SEEBRIG Headquarters Host
B. That when acting as the SEEBRIG Headquarters Host Nation,
the Government of Turkey acknowledges its responsibility for
security, control, inventory, service and maintenance of the
defense articles, related training and other defense services
provided to SEEBRIG by the United States Government. In
furtherance of its custodial role, it will be responsible for
and will ensure the proper administration and temporary
distribution of subject defense articles, related training
and other defense services to SEEBRIG member states for use
in SEEBRIG operations.
C. When acting as the SEEBRIG Headquarters Host Nation, the
Government of Turkey provides its assurances that:
I) it shall not transfer or permit any officer,
employee, or agent of the Government of Turkey to transfer
such defense articles, related training or other defense
services to anyone not an officer, employee or agent of the
government of a SEEBRIG member state;
II) it will not permit the use of such defense
articles, related training, or other defense services by
anyone not an officer, employee or agent of the government of
a SEEBRIG member state;
III) it shall not use or permit the use of such defense
articles, related training or other defense services for
purposes other than SEEBRIG operations;
IV) it shall return to the Government of the United
States of America said defense articles, related training or
other defense services provided with Peace Keeping Operations
funds from the Government of the United States of America
when they are no longer needed for the purposes for which
they were furnished, unless the Government of the United
States of America provides written consent to another
disposition; and
V) finally, it shall not permanently transfer said
defense articles, related training and other defense services
or the responsibility thereof to the successor SEEBRIG
Headquarters Host Nation prior to making formal written
application for, and receipt of, the written consent of the
Government of the United States of America.
D. The Government of Turkey shall at all times maintain
the security of such defense articles, related training, and
other defense services; that it shall provide substantially
the same protection afforded to such articles or related
training other defense services by the Government of the
United States of America and; that it shall, as the United
States may require, permit continuous observation and review
by, and furnish necessary information to, representatives of
the Government of the United States of America with regard to
the use thereof by the Government of Turkey.
E. The subject defense articles, defense services and
related training are being provided by the United States of
America with the understanding that they will not be
transferred to Cyprus or otherwise used to further the
severance of division of Cyprus.
The Ministry's reply stating that the foregoing is
acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Turkey shall,
together with this note, constitute an agreement between the
two governments, which shall enter into force on the date of
the Ministry's reply."
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey has
the honor to confirm that the proposal set forth in the
Embassy's note is acceptable to the Government of the
Republic of Turkey and that the Embassy's note and this note
in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two
governments which shall enter into force on this date.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey
avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of
the United States of America the assurances of its highest