Cablegate: Jordanian Stock of Assistance to Iraq
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291428Z Jul 03
E.O.12958: N/A
REFS: A) STATE 214593; B) USUN NY 1718
Sensitive but unclassified; please protect accordingly.
1. (u) Jordan has been extremely forthcoming with
humanitarian and other assistance for Iraq in the months
following the end of major combat operations. As requested
ref (a), below is an illustrative (but we believe not an
exhaustive) list of material assistance provided to Iraq by
the GOJ. In addition to this list, the GOJ and Jordanian
private sector have been actively supporting a whole host
of rebuilding activities, from hosting CPA sectoral
meetings and conferences to consulting with CPA and CIC
officials on reconstruction and assistance issues to
facilitating transportation of third-country assistance
through the port of Aqaba and the Trebil border crossing to
assisting with refugee flows.
2. (u) Jordan wants to be a key partner in the rebuilding
effort for the foreseeable future, and we expect the GOJ to
back that desire with continued provision of material and
technical assistance. (Note: Due to the abbreviated
timeline for ref a tasker, most donations do not have a
dollar value attached. In many cases, attaching such a
value would be guesswork at best. End note.) Information
on Iraqi assets will be provided septel.
3. (sbu) Begin list of Contributions:
Al Fallujah, Iraq: For humanitarian purposes only, the
Jordanian Armed Forces Medical Personnel set up and ran a
field hospital in Al Fallujah, during the war and post
conflict. This hospital has treated over 50,000 patients
to date (approximate cost to run hospital per
month...$210,000 pharmaceuticals; $93,800 consumable
Baghdad, Iraq: For humanitarian purposes only, the
Jordanian Ministry of Health donated over 11 semi-trailer
truck loads of medical supplies, which Jordanian Armed
Forces Personnel and Personnel from HACC-West escorted to
Baghdad, Iraq during the war. These medical supplies were
delivered to the Iraqi Ministry of Health in Baghdad.
Al Rutbah, Iraq: For humanitarian purposes only, the
Jordanian Armed Forces Medical Personnel along with the
Jordanian Ministry of Health, per our request, performed a
vaccination program for over 4,000 children in Ar Rutbah,
Al Najaf, Iraq: Jordanian Armed Forces Medical Personnel
accompanied an Indian Medical team and HACC-West personnel
to coordinate with CPA and then recon hospitals in An Najaf
to participate in CENTCOM's "Adopt a Hospital." The
Indians and Jordanians are adopting the pediatric wing of a
maternity hospital in An Najaf, Iraq. The total
contribution for this program from India and Jordan will be
between $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 dollars in personnel,
supplies, and equipment. This project will begin after the
first week of August. The split of personnel and costs
between India and Jordan should be approximately 85/15.
Iraq/Jordan Border: The Jordanian Ministry of Interior and
Customs Directorate have increased the size of their staff
to operate the border 24 hours a day and has waived all
customs fees for humanitarian goods destined for Iraq.
Jordanian Crisis Management Center (CMC): was stood up at
General Head Quarters (GHQ) to assist and coordinate the
flow of humanitarian aid into Iraq. This center assisted
the start up of the Al Fallujah Field Hospital, the Baghdad
medical convoys, the Ar Rutbah vaccination program, WFP
supply convoys, Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization
medical convoys, visa coordination with the ministry of
interior for incoming Iraqi medical cases in need of
advanced medical treatments in Amman. The CMC also acted
as a coordination center for IOs/ NGOs who needed
assistance while operating in Jordan for their Iraqi
assistance projects.
Al Rutbah: the Jordanian Ministry of Planning donated 16
tons of LPG (cooking gas) to Ar Rutbah.
Jordan Telecom Fund-Internet Bus: The Jordan Telcom Fund
(a government funded NGO) spent approximately 40 days in
the towns of Ar Rutbah and Ar Ramadi. The bus is a mobile
Internet lab that was used to educate the local community
and children on the Internet.
Jordan Ministry of Planning is coordinating a large cross-
ministry donation to the CPA for the purpose of providing
significant expertise to support the CPA Ministries and
their missions.
Security assistance: Jordan is coordinating directly with
the CPA Ministry of Interior to provide assistance in the
form of police training.
Jordan Ministry of Interior worked closely with the US
Department of State and with the UNHCR to establish Iraqi
Refugee Camps within Jordan.
Jordan CAA agreed to boost its radar capacity to project
into Western Iraq to assist in the restarting of civil
aviation in Iraq.
Queen Rania Fund: Agreed to accept and pay for treatment
of several severely ill or injured Iraqi children.