Cablegate: Pas Amman Hosts Iraqi and Jordanian
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
NEA/PPD for Martin Quinn
IIP/T/GIC for Jennifer Bochner
E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: PAS Amman Hosts Iraqi and Jordanian
Journalists for Economic Reporting Workshop
1. Summary: As part of PA Amman's ongoing Media
Professionalization Program, and in support of the MEPI
goal of encouraging a professional and independent
media, PA Amman organized workshop on economic,
financial, and business journalism in the period March
14-17. The workshop, which was directed by journalist
and university lecturer Martha Steffens, attracted
participants from all Jordanian dailies as well as six
leading Iraqi publications, introduced participants to
concepts in economic journalism that were new to them,
and provided practical experience in interviewing
techniques. End Summary.
2. Description of Activity: During her one-week stay,
journalist and university lecturer Martha Steffens
directed a four-day workshop on economic, financial,
and business journalism. Ms. Steffens guided
participants through discussions on the journalist's
role in economic transparency, the importance of
journalist ethics in reporting business and company
information, basics of business journalism,
understanding global business issues, understanding
public companies, covering emerging markets, and
covering capital flow in emerging markets, including
the role of the Central Bank. There was also a mock
interview with a former economic advisor to the prime
minister of Jordan, and a DVC with students of Global
Journalism and Business and Economic Reporting classes
at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.
Participants included both Jordanian and Iraqi
journalists. The program was organized by US Embassy
Amman in coordination with US Embassy Baghdad.
3. Date: March 14-17, Fiscal Year: 2005.
4. Justification and objectives: Jordan, and to a
greater extent Iraq, are undergoing deep economic as
well as political transformation. With movement
towards a market economy, economic developments are
taking place that are completely new to journalists.
This workshop was an attempt to help them understand
some of these new developments, and to acquaint them
with how they are covered in the American media.
5. MPP objective and audience reached: Promotion of
democracy and freedom of expression by enhancing the
professional skills of journalists.
6. Result/impact: Through lectures, participation
from the floor, and a mock interview, the workshop
leader engaged participants in an intensive exchange,
which eight out of the 15 participants rated as
excellent, and a further 3 rated as very good. The
majority considered that the selection of the topic,
its suitability to journalists' needs, the treatment of
the subject, and the selection of reading material were
very good to excellent.
7. Material developed by post: Post produced a
workshop program that included Arabic-language articles
on a number of economic subjects pulled from the
website of the "Initiative for Policy Dialogue," a
global network of resources for journalists begun by
Nobel-prize winner Joseph Stiglitz. This information
was identified by the workshop leader, Ms. Steffens.
Post also provided participants IIP-produced Arabic
language material on the US economy, the "Language of
Trade" and the importance of transparency.
8. Non USG source of in-country funding/in-kind
support: None
9. Quality of U.S. support and IIP offices involved:
Excellent support -- and a special thanks to Jennifer
Bochner for her excellent work and unflagging energy in
helping post put together this ongoing and valuable
series. HALE