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Cablegate: Gutierrez Takes Reins On Galapagos

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.



E.O. 12958: N/A


1. Summary. President Gutierrez convoked a March 4 meeting
with donors and other political players in the Galapagos
(Reftel). Gutierrez struck a surprisingly balanced tone in
his remarks, calling for a sustainable solution to the
Galapagos crisis that provides economic alternatives to local
fishermen while protecting the unique environment there. He
dispatched his newly minted Minister of the Environment to
come up with a plan in 30 days for dealing with the crisis
(Septel). The Ambassador followed up with President
Gutierrez on March 7, reiterating the work the USG has done
in the Galapagos and supporting the President,s 30-day
initiative. End Summary.

President Convenes Meeting in Galapagos

2. President Gutierrez, in order to show his concern for the
Galapagos, convoked a meeting of donors (Reftel) that was to
coincide with his general cabinet meeting in the Galapagos on
March 4. Events leading up to the meeting led donor
representatives to believe that the proposed meeting was
meant to be more dog-and-pony than nut-and-bolts.

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3. First, the agenda for the &donors8 meeting was changed
at the last minute to include representatives from the
fishing sector.

4. Second, on the flight to the Galapagos (Quito players
traveled on the Presidential plane), diputado Vinicio Andrade
circulated to donor representatives a copy of his proposal to
establish a USD $3 million fund to help fishermen move into
other income-generating alternatives. He said he would
present this proposal at the donor (now to include fishermen)
meeting for Gutierrez and the Presidents of the fishing
cooperatives to sign. While the proposal was good in theory,
it lacked detail and we requested that Andrade not present it
until we could fully review it. For whatever reason (more
likely President Gutierrez had sticker shock), he acceded and
the proposal was not presented for signature.

5. Third, the night before our meeting, a huge political
rally was held on San Cristobal. Approximately five hundred
people attended (roughly 10 percent of San Cristobal,s
population) and the tone was definitely pro-fishing.
Minister Camacho spoke passionately at the meeting and called
for Diputado Andrade to continue fighting for the fishermen -
an interesting comment for one charged with overseeing
environmental matters.

6. Despite the events indicating a one-sided meeting aimed at
castigating donors and mollifying fishermen, President
Gutierrez was remarkably balanced as he presided over the

7. The Presidents of the four fishing cooperatives in the
Galapagos all gave impassioned speeches to the President
calling on him to support them and their efforts to make a
living. Specifically, they called upon President Gutierrez
to support long-line fishing in the Galapagos and presented
proposals for projects to support this and other
fishing-related activities. They denounced the GNP and
Charles Darwin Foundation as corrupt institutions and derided
conservationists for focusing only on animals. At one point,
a fishing cooperative President even accused the Spanish
Ambassador of being a meddling foreigner, confusing him with
the often outspoken director of WildAid in the Galapagos.
The fishing representatives also pointed out that the tourism
sector also shares responsibility for damaging the
biodiversity of the Galapagos.

8. Rene Mauricio Valdes, Director of the UNDP in Ecuador,
spoke on behalf of the donor community and gave a very
pointed, measured and thorough response. He highlighted the
three concerns donors have in the Galapagos ) GNP
instability, the need for alternatives to fishing, and the
problem of illegal immigration ) and called upon the GOE to
take urgent action. He clearly noted that the crisis in the
Galapagos was Ecuador,s responsibility and that the donor
community stood by to assist. However, continued involvement
by the donor community, he added, would require clear,
positive and constructive commitment by the GOE, free of
political interference. (This has been our consistent
message to the GOE on the Galapagos.)

9. President Gutierrez gave a remarkably balanced and
statesmanlike response. His response focused on alternatives
to fishing, but he commented that the Galapagos problem
required a sustainable solution, taking into account the
needs of all the parties and the long-term requirements of
the islands. President Gutierrez then instructed Minister
Camacho to meet with the donors the following week and to
immediately begin working on a 30-day plan to formulate
viable, sustainable solutions to the Galapagos problems.

Ambassador Follows Up

10. The Ambassador discussed the Galapagos with President
Gutierrez at a March 7 meeting. The President started by
lamenting the plight of the fishermen who he claimed have not
received any benefit from the millions of dollars channeled
into the Galapagos through NGOs. The Ambassador pointed out
that the USG has in fact funded many small development
projects ) e.g., a marmalade factory, equipment to smoke
fish and package it for sale to tourists ) and that there
were recently emergency medical response exercises in the
Galapagos. Gutierrez conceded that there have been
socio-economic projects, but he said that we needed to better
publicize our efforts. Perhaps, the Ambassador noted, but
nonetheless we have contributed to the socio-economic
development of the islands.

11. President Gutierrez ended his Galapagos discussion
reiterating that a viable, sustainable long-term solution was
needed. He told the Ambassador that he had instructed his
new Minister of the Environment to come up with a plan in 30
days for dealing with the Galapagos crisis. She applauded
his initiative and offered assistance in formulating the plan.

The 30-Day Plan

12. The DCM and USAID Director paid a courtesy call on Juan
Carlos Camacho, the new Minister of the Environment (Septel).
The donor community will also begin a series of meetings
with Camacho to begin formulating the 30-day plan. We will
take advantage of Gutierrez,s call for action to press
Camacho to depoliticize the GNP Director,s position,
formulate truly viable alternatives for fishermen (not just
long-line fishing), and to start focusing on illegal
immigration to the Galapagos.


13. We are encouraged by Gutierrez's new efforts to put
Galapagos policy back on track, after a long period of
self-acknowledged presidential neglect and political
expedience. The president's emphasis on sustainability is
important, and could help shift the political debate towards
consensus. In concert with other donors, we will continue
our efforts to educate and work with the new Environment
Minister to promote stability in the park leadership and new
opportunities for fishermen.


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