Cablegate: Southeast Turkey Press Summary for May 11, 2005
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
This is the Southeastern Turkey press summary for May 11, 2005.
Please note that Turkish press reports often contain errors or
exaggerations; AmConsulate Adana does not vouch for the accuracy
of the reports summarized here.
CUMHURIYET / YENI SAFAK: In Sanliurfa, killing in the name
of honor, or violation of the so-called "traditional familial
codes" is suspected in the death of 14 -year-old Emine Arslan,
and later her brother, Ahmet, on May 5. As background, the
papers report that Ahmet Arslan had already been married with
four children when he sought to marry another woman, Fatma. In
exchange, Fatma's family asked for 14-year-old Emine for one of
its sons. The practice that led to Emine Arslan's marriage is
known as "berdel," a form of bartering seen primarily in
southeastern Turkey, to avoid paying dowries and other marriage
CUMHURIYET: The Children's Chorus of Diyarbakir Municipality
sang Turkish, Kurdish, German, Assyrian and Armenian songs
during the May 9-Europe Day celebrations in Diyarbakir.
OZGUR GUNDEM: Murat Bozlak, Sirri Sakik, Ahmet Turk and
Feridun Yazar traveled to northern Iraq to meet representatives
of PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) and PDK (Democratic Party
of Kurdistan). (Note: These persons have been involved in
pro-Kurdish politics in Turkey, such as in the former DEP and
HADEP parties, but their current affiliation is not specified in
the report. End note.) PUK and PDK representatives reportedly
said that they are not planning an armed operation against the
PKK/Kongra-Gel. Kubad Talabani, the son of Iraqi President
Jalal Talabani, allegedly stated that a general amnesty should
be granted to members of the PKK.
OZGUR GUNDEM / EVRENSEL: Members of the Human Rights
Association (HRA) and DEHAP (Democratic People's Party) went to
a site where a bomb exploded, killing an 8-year-old boy in
Mardin (see press summ 5/9). After examining the area, the HRA
and DEHAP members concluded that it was commonly used by
villagers while at the same time being used as a Jandarma
weapons training area, as well.
RADIKAL / EVRENSEL / OZGUR GUNDEM: Representatives of the
Chambers and NGOs, within the framework of the freedom of
information law, will submit a petition to the President's
Office asking for information about a "secret Incirlik decree"
to provide logistical support to the U.S., allegedly prepared by
the GOT.
OZGUR GUNDEM: Jandarma intervened when students at Van's
Yuzuncu Yil University attempted to hold an alternative Spring
Festival separate from the University's conventional one. (Note:
Students have often used this tactic to protest the
"establishment" spring festivals in Turkish universities that
allegedly attempt to exclude organized student groups.)
Reportedly, 60 students were taken into custody.
EVRENSEL / OZGUR GUNDEM: Two separate lawsuits were
allegedly opened against 20 Newruz festival committee members in
Siirt on the grounds that: 1) the committee used the letter "w"
during their preparations for last year's Newruz celebrations
and 2) the committee organized an "unauthorized meeting."
SABAH (GUNEY): The paper reports that the delivery of natural
gas to the Mersin province from a pipeline that extends from
Sivas down to Mersin has been started.
HURRIYET (CUKUROVA): Yigit Alpdogan, General Secretary of the
National Security Council (NSC), started a trip through nine
provinces in the Southeast to conduct studies and examine the
GAP region. His first visit was to the Governor of Gaziantep,
Lutfullah Bilgin. During his visit, Alpdogan told the Governor
that the GAP Project was a significant social and economic
development program that would be one of the concerns covered by
the NSC.
RADIKAL: A 15-year-old student and a 14-year-old student in
Adana were reportedly arrested at a school upon allegations that
they tore the flag that was hung on a mast in the school. One of
the youth awaiting trial was later released.