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Cablegate: Media Play 6/1-7: Bush-Machado (Sumate) Meeting

This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.

062045Z Jun 05




E.O. 12958: N/A

1. The May 31 meeting between Maria Corina Machado, the
director of Venezuelan pro-democracy NGO SUMATE and
President Bush has created outraged reactions from Chavez
supporters. Comments made by senior government officials
claim Machado is trying to garner support from the U.S. in
preparation for a presidential run in the next election.
Further, they claim that Machado is allying herself with the
U.S. for financial support in order to get Chavez out of
office while trying to detract attention from Posada
Carriles. Most members of the opposition say that Machado
should be praised for strategically attracting more
attention to Chavez's abuses of power so that international
organizations can intervene, such as the OAS. However, a
few have expressed disappointment. Government owned VTV is
running commercials mocking the meeting between President
Bush and Maria Corina Machado. They are using a photo of
the meeting with graphics showing President Bush giving
Machado money from a suitcase. The voiceover has her
promising that they will get Chavez this time and Bush
responding in Spanish that he already has given her enough
money to build a condominium. The government is also running
newspaper ads claiming Machado is a paid agent of the U.S.
2. EL NACIONAL (liberal/opposition, circ. 120,000) June 3
lead editorial headline: "Diplomacy and a Local Comedy"
QUOTE: "It is surprising to see Venezuelan government
officials' reaction to Maria Corina Machado's meeting with
President Bush. As relations between Venezuela and the
United States stand, it should not be a surprise that the
U.S. President wanted to see a personality from the
political opposition to the Venezuelan regime, in order to
get first-hand information on the frequent obstructions to
democracy in Venezuela."
June 2 "Maria Cristina, What Bother!" column by Milagros
QUOTE: "Why does Maria Corina Machado have to go and tell
Bush that we, Venezuelans, `wish to live in freedom and
democracy'? Doesn't she believe in the results of our
democratic struggles; she has to go and seek a sort of
father or referee that serves as an intermediary to solve
our problems?"
3. EL UNIVERSAL (conservative/opposition/paper of record,
circ. 120,000) June 4 opinion column by Agustin Blanco Munoz
Quote: ".for now this has nothing to do with trying to
promote presidential candidate but rather promote a reaction
in favor of Sumate so that it will become linked to [Bush's
own] `policy of democracy and liberty,' which the Bush
administration will promote for Venezuela."
June 3 column by Argelia Rios, "Change of Scene?"
QUOTE: "Venezuelan democracy is interested in having
everyone concerned about it. Perhaps, Sumate can channel
that desire. It is clear that the ruling party is afraid
there is something behind her: the Bolivarian diplomacy has
just received a defeat."

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Column by Political analyst Carlos Blanco, "Maria Corina is
Driving the Government Officials Crazy"
QUOTE: "Of course, the meeting between Maria Corina Machado
and George Bush is highly symbolic; it means that the world
superpower recognizes Venezuelans' democratic fights. And,
most importantly, it has put these fights in the world
spotlight. Most of the opposition felt that this meeting
meant some recognition of their struggle."
4. DIARIO VEA (pro-government, circ. 25,000) June 6 lead
editorial headline "The Imperial Threat"
QUOTE: "Venezuela has escaped from the corral and Mr. Bush
will do all in his power, without scruples or limits, in
order to bring it back to the fold. That is what is behind
the White House's message in meeting with Maria Corina
June 6 Stumbling Block column by (pseudonym) `Marciano'
title: "Lessons of an interview"
QUOTE: "[in inviting] the director of Sumate they presumably
thought they were giving a rebuff to Chavez. What balls
Bush and his advisors have! How clueless they are. If that
is the reason for the meeting in the White House you can see
that they do not know Chavez. These provocations roll off
his back..."
June 3 Stumbling Block column by (pseudonym) `Marciano'
title: "Shaking Hands"
QUOTE: "Mr. Bush must be thinking that his meeting with her
at the White House was a master move. Maisto and Noriega
must have been exultant: they have just built the
alternative to Chavez.. The empire now had its Violeta
Chamorro.. Surely that night Miss Rice went to sleep

peacefully, dreaming of Uncle Tom."
June 3 lead editorial headline: "They Simply Stink"
QUOTE:"Telling the world: `This is our agent,' is what
happened with the Sumate director, Maria Corina Machado's
visit to the oval office of the White House.. In addition,
admitting, like U.S. senator (sic) Frank Wolf did, to the
fact that Sumate is funded by the United States and that
they are going to increase its funds is the straw that broke
the camel's back...Bush and his followers prepared the scene
at the oval office of the White House with premeditation and
June 2 lead editorial headline: "Sumate in the Oval Office"
QUOTE: "Maria Corina Machado's visit to President Bush in
Washington shows who Sumate works for. There's no room for
doubt, now. Maria Corina Machado and Sumate directly
represent US interests. Without a mask; Sumate is funded
and sponsored by the American government."
5. EL NUEVO PAIS (opposition sensationalist, circ. 4,000)
June 2 "Maria Corina Machado's Second Round" column by
Journalist Patricia Poleo (opposition journalist appealing a
conviction for criminal libel for her reporting on the
Minister of Interior).

QUOTE: "Without a doubt, Maria Corina Machado has dealt a
blow on Chavismo and they cannot dissemble about how much it
hurts them. The meeting between Maria Corina Machado and
the US President, George Bush, is important because she has
precise information on why there is no democracy in
Venezuela. Besides, the meeting has had a psychological
impact for both sides. Hugo Chavez has never been received
by Bush and neither has any member of the National
June 3 column by MAS (opposition) legislator, Leopoldo Puchi
"Maria Corina Machado and George Bush"
QUOTE: "In this sense, the fact that Sumate representative
has been received at the White House, is not simply a
demonstration of support but it is also an expression of a
strategic line of action, structured around the issue.. At
first blush, the Venezuelan opposition might feel
satisfaction because this meeting could be interpreted as
greater interest by Washington in the Venezuelan situation.
However, US efforts could be more problematic than positive
if the Venezuelan opposition appears as a US geopolitical
chess piece and if a confrontation posing a threat to the
integrity of the nation breaks out."
REPORTE (economy-orientated, circ. 5,000) June 2 "Ohh,.a
Woman!" column by Rodolfo Schmidt
QUOTE: "A significant detail: the interview was the product
of a surprise invitation from the White House and not the
product of a complicated diplomatic move. Stephen Hadley,
National security advisor, and Andrew Card, chief of staff
of the White House, participated in the meeting. In other
words, the United States already did what it had to do
during this phase: to show its unequivocal support to
democracy in Venezuela."
Chacon: "The U.S. has two ways of intervening in other
countries: one is armed intervention and the other is
through.non-governmental organizations, that are front
maintained by the U.S. government."

Foreign Minister Ali Rodriguez: "This could be said to be a
launching pad for Mrs. Machado for the next elections with
the full support of the American government." "Sumate is
simply an agency of the United States in Venezuela." "It is
a way for the U.S. to intervene in the internal affairs of

Pro-Chavista deputy Iris Varela: "[Washington] is trying to
distract attention from its efforts to protect Luis Posada
Jorge Valero, Venezuelan Ambassador to the OAS: "Machado is
well known is political circles in Venezuela as a
discredited person without real leadership, who is financed
by the Department of State."
Saul Ortega, ruling party MVR deputy and head of foreign
affairs committe of Parliament: "The Bush-Machado meeting
confirms the thesis that the United States was behind the
April 2002 coup d'etat."

7. Both government and opposition have reacted predictably,
including the government funded attack ads and the dismay of
some in the opposition over Machado's suddenly high profile.
Some of the more interesting comments come from the pro-
Chavez daily Diario Vea's column "Stumbling Block" by

`Marciano.' Marciano indicates that Machado is now
Venezuela's Violeta Chamorro and assures that Chavez was not
bothered by the meeting. Many Venezuelan news executives
believe that Marciano is really Vice President Rangel.
Chavez made no mention of the meeting nor Machado in the
June 5 Alo Presidente. End Comment



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