Cablegate: Un-Chr Reform Discussion in Geneva; Modalities For
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. This is an action request. Please see paragraph 3.
2. ECOSOC's approval on June 9 of the revised version of
CHR-61 decision 2005/116 -- now calling for an informal, open
ended 2-day session to discuss Commission on Human Rights
(CHR) and UN reform in Geneva -- opens the door for
Secretariat and Bureau planning of this event. The
Secretariat has proposed June 16 and 17 for the meeting, as
these are "cost-free" days for conference services, and has
distributed the text of the decision as adopted (repeated in
paragraph 4) and a note on the proposed modalities for the
meeting (repeated in paragraph 5). The text of the decision
and the note on modalities, both written some weeks ago,
refer to a June 15 deadline for the transmittal of a Chair's
Summary of the session to the President of the General
Assembly (GA). The CHR Chair will inform his ECOSOC
counterpart that he will forward his summary to GA Chair Ping
by 21 June, the date on which Ping has apparently scheduled a
formal GA session to discuss his latest draft proposal.
3. ACTION REQUEST: Mission requests guidance on whether to
attend this session, as well as guidance on any statement(s)
that may be deemed necessary in connection with this meeting.
4. Begin text of ECOSOC-approved decision:
The Economic and Social Council, bearing in mind the General
Assembly resolutions A/59/145 and A/59/291 which, inter alia,
requested the President of the General Assembly to continue
to hold open, inclusive and transparent consultations with
all Member States, with a view to reaching the broadest
possible agreement on all major issues relating to the
High-level Plenary Meeting in September 2005, and also
taking note of the Commission on Human Rights decision
2005/116 of 22 April 2005, decides to request the Chairperson
of the sixty-first session of the Commission on Human Rights
to organize, an open-ended informal consultations of up to 2
days, to reflect on the recommendations on human rights
contained in the report of the Secretary General (A/59/2005),
with a view to contributing to the intergovernmental
deliberations on the proposed reforms of the United Nations
in the General Assembly, and to this end, decides to
authorize the Chairperson to prepare a summary of the
consultations by June 15, 2005 to be
transmitted to the President of the General Assembly through
the President of ECOSOC.
End text of decision.
5. Begin text of note on modalities for the meeting:
Proposed modalities for informal consultations on the
recommendations on human rights contained in the SG reform
report (A/59/2005)
Note from the Secretariat
1. Date and location: The 2-day informal
consultations will, if the relevant decision is approved by
ECOSOC, take place on 9 and 10 June 2005 in Rooms XXVI and
XVIII, respectively. (NOTE: These dates have been replaced by
16 and 17 June, as ECOSOC did not approve the decision until
after COB Geneva-time on 9 June.)
2. Participants: Further to the ECOSOC (draft) (now
adopted) decision, the Chairperson is expected to organize an
'open-ended informal consultations of up to 2 days'.
Accordingly, all participants to the CHR session should be
able to attend and participate in the informal consultations.
As is the case for Intergovernmental Working Groups, this
would include Member States and all Observers, without any
3. Speaking time limits: Given the emphasis made on
the words 'informal' and 'consultations', it is considered
that there should be no formal speaking-time limits but that
participants should be encouraged to be as brief as possible
to enable everybody to make a contribution to the debate and
to enhance the interactive and informal nature of the meeting.
4. Programme of work: The ECOSOC (draft) (now
adopted) decision indicates that the consultations should aim
at reflecting on 'the recommendations on human rights
contained in the report of the SG (A/59/2005). Such
recommendations can be found in paragraphs 140 to 147 and 181
to 183 of the report. It would thus be logical to structure
the discussion along the following three main issues
mentioned in the report:
I. CHR reform / new Human Rights Council (A/59/2005,
paras. 146 and 181 to 183)
- Status and composition of the new body (elections by
the GA; location; standing body; rules of procedure; agenda;
organization of work; participation of observers;...)
- Role and functions of the new body (peer-review system;
emergency situations; global report; normative and
implementation functions; reporting lines to the GA; etc.)
- Status/continuation of existing mechanisms and
arrangements (rules of procedure/working methods; CHR agenda;
special procedures; 1503 procedure, Sub-Commission;
consultative arrangements with NGOs,...)
- Transitional arrangements/timeframe (interim period and
arrangements; timeframe in transition to the new body; etc.)
II. OHCHR / HC Plan of Action (A/59/2005, paras. 140 to 145)
- strengthening the Office / resources and staff
- more active role in Security Council/proposed
Peacebuilding Commission
III. Treaty bodies reform (A/59/2005, para. 147)
- Harmonized guidelines on reporting;
- Unified system of treaty bodies
5. Conduct of the meeting: In order to facilitate
the preparation and conduct of the meeting, a group of
friends of the Chairperson has been established, the
composition of which is similar to that of the Expanded
Bureau. The conduct of the meeting will be organized by the
Chairperson and will involve the facilitating of the meeting
by two members of the group.
6. Outcome of the meeting: According to the (draft)
decision, the Chairperson is authorized, with a view to
contributing to the intergovernmental deliberations on the
proposed reforms of the United Nations in the General
Assembly, to prepare a summary of the consultations by 15
June. Given the timeframe envisaged, the summary will contain
an account of the main issues discussed during the meeting
distributed along the main issues envisaged above but without
attribution to a particular country or a group of countries.
End text of note.