Cablegate: Maputo Employees Assaulted
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. On May 31, 2005, at approximately 1845, one AmEmb Maputo
AmCit Diplomat and one FSN, were assaulted at gunpoint one
block from the US Mission Public Affairs Office building and
half a block from a local police station. The incident
occurred when AmCit had given the FSN a ride home. After they
pulled up to the residence, both employees got out of the car
to retrieve some items from the trunk. As they did so, a
vehicle pulled up and two armed men got out and robbed the
victims at gunpoint. Personal items, money, identity
documents, a Mozambican passport, and cell phones were taken.
The victims reacted as they have been instructed, complied
with the direction of the assailants, and were left at the
scene unharmed. The victims were able to call Post One, but
insufficient information was obtained about the victim's
location. The RSO and ARSO responded to the Embassy and
shortly thereafter, the two victims arrived. Statements were
taken and the AmCit drove home, while the RSO and ARSO drove
the FSN home. When the RSO and ARSO arrived at the FSN's
home, and the scene of the crime, four "guards" were present
in front of or near the residence. Three were individual
private guards not associated with a company, and one was an
employee of Alfa Security company. The guards were questioned
about the incident, but all stated that they did not see
anything and did not even know that an assault had occurred
until after it happened. None of the guards was able to
provide any descriptive information about the assailants or
the vehicle used. However, the guards stated that assaults
such as this were a common occurrence on this street.
Although there were four guards at the residence when the RSO
arrived, all of these guards were conveniently absent during
the time which the crime occurred, only 30 minutes prior.
2. The RSO and ARSO then proceeded to the police station that
services the diplomatic community to file an incident report.
After fifteen minutes of preparation on the part of the
officer, five of which involved finding a suitable chair for
him sit in, the officer began the police report. During this
time, one of the suspected perpetrators called the RSO's
phone. This occurred due to the fact that the RSO had called
the FSN's and AmCit's phones after she heard of the incident
and now the current holder of the phone was returning the
call. The ARSO spoke to the suspect in Portuguese using the
guise of a person dialing a wrong number, but still trying to
maintain a conversation. The person on the phone provided a
name which was passed on to the officer. During this time,
the officer seemed confused and tried to ignore a situation
which was beyond "writing a report". The following morning,
the RSO FSN Investigator accompanied the FSN to the police
station to complete the report.
3. Since the incident occurred, some of the identity items
were recovered by Mozambican citizens who contacted the
Embassy, including the passport and the Mozambican issued
diplomatic identity card.
4. A security notice was sent out mission-wide to alert
employees of the incident and remind them of the proper
course of action if one were faced with a similar situation.
5. RSO Comment: The after-action on the part of the police is
yet another example of the ineptitude and inability of the
local police to effectively combat crime and investigate and
react to a crime after the fact. Although the local police
regularly complain about a lack of resources to do their job,
in this situation they did not even pick up the phone to
follow up on the leads provided. Even though the RSO and ARSO
offered to transport them or an investigative team to the
scene to follow up with the guards, the police refused. The
police were actually reluctant to take a report of the
incident when they learned that the RSO and ARSO were not the
victims of the crime, but were simply reporting the crime. It
is important to note that the RSO office has a good
relationship with this police station and the fault does not
lie with officers, but with the training and operational
management. This is but one of many examples that the RSO
office has encountered with the lack of the local authorities
abilities to investigate crime, even though AmEmb Maputo
regularly sends local police commanders to ILEA training in
Gaborone and New Mexico (the commandant of this particular
police station returned from New Mexico one month prior). It
is uncertain if the elements of training at ILEA are not
being passed down to the working level, or if there are
cultural barriers preventing a shift in the operational
mindset of the police and empowerement of street officers.
Several weeks ago the daughter of the President was the
victim of an assault at a local caf, during which her
bodyguard was critically wounded. Unlike other assualt cases,
the police moved quickly to apprehend the three assailants,
demonstrating their capabilities when they are properly
motivated. Although the recent upswing in crime has been met
with the response of the Policia da Republica de Mocambique
(PRM) starting a task force of special officers deployed at
night on motorcycles (the PRM recently received a donation of
approximately 300 motorcycles from the Chinese government -
actual quantity yet to be verified), the effectiveness of
this force has yet to been seen.
La Lime